“I have to learn control. My aunt…” my voice trails off and I clear my throat. “My aunt told me that any strong emotion could set me off. The last thing I want is to hurt somebody.”

Damian looks at me for a moment longer, his head cocked to the side as he studies me. “You’ve had a lot of reasons to be angry in your life. If you haven’t caused a devastating earthquake yet, I don’t think you ever will.”

“But what if she feels other emotions stronger?” Devin asks. “It doesn’t just have to be anger.”

“I never caused an earthquake before I came here.” I shrug one shoulder. “Maybe Devin is right.”

“She caused an earthquake the first time we kissed. That was the first time, right?” Devin turns to me.

My cheeks grow warm. I lower my head, letting my hair curtain my face. “Uh, yeah.”

Damian gasps. “You two have kissed? Before marriage?”

I jerk my head up and see the grin on his face.

He’s teasing us—or more specifically,me.

Devin chuckles, putting his arm around me. I feel his lips brush my forehead as he gives me a soft kiss.

I sigh, leaning further into him.

Damian looks a bit uncomfortable as he walks away from Devin and me. It must be strange for him to watch his younger brother be in love. Damian has been raising him since Devin was only seven. It was a lot on a teenager to have so much responsibility, but Damian has handled it well.

Devin tugs on my hand. “Come on. Let’s go sit outside.”

I let him lead me out the backdoor. He guides me toward the porch swing. It’s too dark for me to see the ocean, but I can hear the waves crashing into the shore.

It’s so peaceful here. I’m going to miss this when we move to Alaska, but I’m so eager to start my life with Devin.

But even the sound of the ocean and thoughts of the future isn’t enough to distract me from my dark thoughts.

“What if it’s just a fluke?” I don’t intend to whisper, but my voice comes out so quietly.

Devin focuses his green eyes on me and it takes my breath away. “What are you talking about?”

“My elemental magic,” I clarify. “What if I’m not even an elemental? What if the earthquake was just a one off.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve created more than one, Tori. Certainly you don’t believe that.”

I shrug. “I don’t feel any power now. I don’t think I could even cause a rumble right now.”

“You’ll learn to control it.” He presses a kiss on my forehead.

He doesn’t understand. He’s an alpha—he’s powerful. “I just feel weak.”

“That’s because of the way your father treated you.” Devin pulls back so he can look me in the eyes. “You know you’re powerful. You can take away somebody’s magic with a touch of your hand. You can compel any supernatural to do your bidding. And I saw you that day with Katherine. You used perfect control to get her right where you wanted her with your earth magic. You’re an elemental—a strong one at that. You really should stop doubting yourself. I wish that you could see what I do.”

My heart thumps a little faster. “I guess I just feel like a fraud. I’m the girl that hid in my room just to avoid running into my brothers or my dad. I just did what I was supposed to. I was obedient because that was easy. How am I supposed to rule, Devin? I’m nobody.”

“You everything to me.”

My breath gets caught in my throat.

He reaches a hand to my cheek and gently tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. “You were born to rule. Someday, you will see it. Until you do, I’ll just have to be here to tell you every single day. You’re incredible, Tori Benson.”

I grin at that. “It’s still Hastings.”

“Not for much longer,” he promises.