I have so many questions I want to ask, but my mouth doesn’t seem to be working. My hands shake with excitement as we get closer and closer to our destination.

Is King Hastings really about to be arrested? I try not to get my hopes up. He’s slippery. Certainly, he will find a way out of this, but I still have hope. Freedom is so close that I can feel it.

“Your eyes keep flashing back and forth between orange and blue. I can’t even keep up with your emotional changes through our bond.” Devin studies me carefully. “Are you okay?”

I nod, rubbing my hands on my thighs. “Yes, I’m just nervous. I’m trying not to get my hopes up. What if he somehow manages to get away?”

Devin grabs my hand to stop my fidgeting. “That’s not going to happen, Tori.”

His words do little to calm me as I see the private jet waiting for us.

My life is about to change in a big way. I already know that the Alpha Council considers me queen of the dark fae, but it still doesn’t feel real. I don’t think it’ll feel real until my father is in custody.

We get onto the plane and get buckled up. Almost as soon as Damian shuts the door, the plane starts moving. I watch him as he walks to the front of the plane and give Devin a questioning look.

“He’s probably going to talk to the pilot—he’s a member of our pack. Having a pilot in the pack is important, considering where we live. Flying is about the only way in or out of pack lands during the winter,” Devin explains.

I nod. “I guess I understand that, but that wasn’t what I was wondering.”

Devin runs a finger through his hair, slowly exhaling. “I don’t know much more than I told you. We got an anonymous tip about King Hasting’s whereabouts. We had a team check and the tip was true. He’s in Florida, not too far from the school, actually. We won’t be on the plane for long. But by the time we get there, he should be in custody.”

I look from Devin out the window of the airplane as we begin the ascent. If Devin is right, we should only be in the air for about half an hour, which means they’re likely arresting King Hastings right now.

My heart pounds a little faster.

More than anything, I want to hear that he’s been arrested. I can’t wait for him to be in custody. I won’t be satisfied until he is on Supernatural Island with every bit of his powers stripped away from him.

I don’t know a lot about Supernatural Island—the location is kept secret. And since most prisoners are never released, we don’t hear much about what it’s like. When somebody is reformed and released, their memory of the location is always wiped. Even the guards who work there don’t know its exact location. I’m not sure how that works. But I do know that there is something about Supernatural Island’s location that makes it the perfect spot. Nobody ever has hope of escaping and though many havetriedto escape, they always fail. Not even King Hastings would have hope of escaping. And prison to my dad would be a fate worse than death.

He’s going to get what he deserves. He’s had this coming to him for years.

My heart soars and I can’t help but smile as Shifter Academy gets smaller and smaller. Everything really is going to be okay.

I relax in my seat, thinking happy thoughts. There is no sense in worrying unless there is something to worry about.

Devin laces our fingers together, his fear getting stronger the higher the plane goes. I squeeze his hand and use my dark fae powers to take away his fear. I replace the fear with happiness. It takes him a moment to even realize that I’m manipulating his emotions. He glances over at me, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Thank you,” he whispers.

When we first met, he would’ve been horrified if I had manipulated his emotions. Now, he readily accepts it. I don’t bother bringing up the past, instead I relax in my seat, loving how things have changed. Devin truly trusts me. It’s more than I ever imagined would happen and sometimes it still blows my mind that he does.

We’re only in the air for about fifteen minutes when Damian comes to the back. He sits down across from us, leaning forward in his seat.

“I hear from King Basilicus. The team was able to successfully subdue King Hastings. His magic has been blocked. King Basilicus is overseeing the entire thing,” Damian says.

My entire chest lightens at his word. I didn’t even realize how heavy I felt until now that I’m free.

“It’s really over?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, not sure if I should truly believe it. Can it really be so? Has the man who has made my life so miserable really been arrested? And if King Basilicus is there, he has no hope of escaping.

“It’s true,” Damian says. He looks at me. “Everything with King Hastings is taken care of—he’s going to Supernatural Island. But there are other things that need to be dealt with.”

“Such as?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“His followers,” Damian answers. “They will all be getting a fair trial with the Alpha Council.”

I frown. “We’re going to have a busy few months, aren’t we?”

He grins. “Cheer up, the worst is over.”