Damian clears his throat. “To retaliate for what the Alpha Council has done, he killed a young girl.”
My breath gets caught in my throat.
He continues. “She was only sixteen.”
“Was she dark fae?” I ask.
“No,” he answers, lowering his gaze. “She was a vampire.”
This is because King Sanguis decided to join in on the fight. He’s trying to punish the vampire king for taking a stand. He will try to force King Sanguis to either join his side or stand down.
I put a hand to the base of my throat. “What are we going to do?”
“There is more,” Damian declares.
More? How can there still be more? What could possibly be worse than what he’s already told me?
“King Hastings has vowed that he is going to kill one supernatural a day until the other supernaturals leave him—and his people—alone.”
Hispeople? That’s rich considering he’s been killing them. They’re not his people. He doesn’t treat them as well as an animal on the way to a slaughter house.
Hewillpay for this. I will make sure of it.
“The Alpha Council would like to ask you for help finding King Hastings,” Damian says.
I nod. “Anything.”
“They need information,” he explains. “We know he’s not stupid enough to go to one of his own properties. We’d like a list of his allies, one’s who are willing to help hide him. The task force going to search properties until they find him. But if you help us narrow it down, it’ll be a big help.”
“Absolutely,” I say, pulling my phone out to start making a list of names. “Make sure you tell them to check Kai’s father’s properties.”
Damian cocks an eyebrow. “You think he’d help after King Hastings threatened to have his son killed?”
I glance from my phone to him. “Kai’s father is loyal to my dad. Kai might be the only dark fae I know that had a rougher life than I did. My father was cruel, spiteful, and tried to kill me, but for the most part, I was ignored.” Devin squeezes my hand. I don’t look at him, not wanting to see the angry glow of his gold eyes. “Kai’s father was abusive. Growing up, he chose to spend the majority of his time in the castle. Nico and I were his reprieve from the torture he had to endure.”
Devin’s anger is strong through our bond, but I am able to push away his anger. Maybe it’s because I used to be angry about this, but I learned to deal with it.
Damian gives me a curt nod. “Tori, get me that list as soon as you can. Your father and all of his allies will pay for the hurt that they have caused. I promise you, your people will be free.”
I smile at him before I glance back at my phone. I free my hand from Devin’s and type as quickly as my thumbs will allow.
My father may have delayed the inevitable, but he will not get away with this—not this time.
This is what happens when you betray your king.
I am back to pacing the living room floor while I wait for news from the Alpha Council.
Earlier today, I gave Damian a list of my father’s allies and now it’s just a matter of finding where he is hiding. I won’t be satisfied until I know my father is in custody—not until I know my people are free.
My stomach clenches when I think about the young vampire who was executed. Earlier today, I was able to talk to King Sanguis on the phone. I tried to apologize to him for my father’s actions, but he wouldn’t allow me. He said he knew the possible consequences of getting involved, but that it had to be done. He assured me that he is still on my side, even more now than ever.
It’s strange to think that the dark fae have allies now. We’ve always stuck to our own kind. For so long we’ve hidden away from the world, not even allowed to speak with other supernaturals. But all that is changing now. All because my father sent me to a school full of shifters. Had he known this would be the result, I doubt he would’ve sent me. It was the beginning of his downfall.
I look up when I hear my name being called and see Devin saunter into the living room. He raises an eyebrow at me.