Shifter hearing is one wolf shifter trait Ireallywish I had. It would definitely come in handy. Instead, I inherited my mother’s elemental magic—something I could definitely live without.

“You look beautiful when you first wake up,” Devin muses.

My cheeks grow warm and I try to flatten my likely frizzy hair.

His grin grows wider. “You realize we’re getting married next month. I’m going to be seeing you every single morning.”

I groan. “Yeah, but then you’ll already be married to me. It’ll be too late for you to back out.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry—I’m not changing my mind. If anything, seeing you like this makes me want to rush the wedding. Maybe I could convince Damian to move it up a few weeks.”

“No, no, no,” I hear Monica say loudly as she makes her way down the hallway and into the living room. She points her finger at her brother-in-law. “The invitations are already printed and I am sending them outthis week. There is no changing the wedding date, Devin Benson. I do not care that you’re an alpha, I will fight you.”

Even with Monica carrying Grant on her hip, she looks fierce as she stares down her future alpha.

I can’t help but laugh as I look between her and Devin’s stunned face.

“Fine,” Devin grumbles, lowering his head.

Monica grins, clearly satisfied with his reaction. She glances toward me, offering me a smile. “Damian is meeting with King Basilicus this morning. He will tell you everything that happened when he gets back.”

I start to open my mouth to ask questions, but she cuts me off.

“No, I don’t know anything,” she says. “But I will cook breakfast while we wait.”

I grin. “Thank you.”

Devin focuses his attention back on me as Monica and Grant head toward the kitchen.

“Are we going to continue our conversation about how good you look—”

I abruptly stand from the couch. “I’m going to go take a shower.”

Before Devin can say anything else, I rush from the room like the coward I am. I hear him chuckling as I head toward my room. I avoid looking in the mirror before getting in the shower. If I could see how I looked, I’m sure it would only further embarrass me.

Being mated to an impatient, stubborn alpha might not always be easy, but I know we’ll have a good life together. I never imagined we would be like this together, but I’m so glad we are.

After my shower, I head back into the living area. Our pillows and blankets from last night are gone—Devin probably put them away. Devin is sitting in the kitchen, waiting for me. His hair is wet, so he probably got a shower while I did. I sit down in the chair beside him, only pausing to tussle Grant’s very thin baby hair.

As soon as I sit down, Devin grabs ahold of my hand, lacing our fingers together. I glance into his green eyes and see that he’s completely focused on me.

Yes, we will definitely have an interesting life.

Monica joins us at the table just as Damian walks through the front door. I glance over and my heart sinks when I see the grim look on his face. His emotions hit me hard. He doesn’t even need to speak for me to feel the sharp pain in my gut that his disappointment, anger, and frustration are fueling.

“What’s going on?” Devin sits up straighter.

Grant makes a whimpering sound as his bottom lip pokes out. I turn to look at him and see that his face is bright red. He lets out a wail of a cry, which has Monica jumping up and pulling him from his highchair. She comforts him as she walks toward his room, likely giving Devin and me space to talk with Damian.

Damian wordlessly slides into a chair across from us. “King Hastings has gone into hiding.”

My heart thumps faster. “So he’s not in custody?”

He shakes his head. “No.” He glances at Devin for a second, then right back at me. The movement is so fast that I almost miss it, but I quickly realize that he’s not telling me everything.

“What is it?” I lean forward, hoping to urge him to continue talking.

Devin grabs my hand beneath the table. “Whatever it is, you can tell her. You already know she has her elemental magic under control. It’s why Winter isn’t training her as much.”