“Notmaybe.” I scoot my chair closer to him. “My life wasn’t the greatest, but I don’t regret any of it. Because going through what I did is what led me here. If my father truly loved me, he never would’ve sent me to Shifter Academy and I never would’ve met you.”

His eyes slowly fade from gold to green. And while I love both sides of Devin, I especially love his green eyes. It’s a trait I hope he passes on to our children. I’m not sure I want any of our children to get my freaky eyes. It’s impossible to hide any emotions considering they change colors like a mood ring.

“Once the dark fae are free and I am queen, I’d like to do something to ensure that none of them will ever be enslaved again, even after I’m gone.” I play with the ends of my hair and I look at Devin.

He nods. “It’s a good idea. You could do like the wolves. I’m alpha, but there are many alphas. Everybody is allowed to rule their own packs how they want. I only step in when absolutely necessary.”

“Maybe.” I’m not sure if ‘packs’ will work though—not for dark fae. We don’t typically group up like wolf shifters do.

“Or you could do like fae,” Devin says.

That catches my attention. I look up. “Like light fae?”

“They’re just fae to everybody else, Tori.”

I shrug one shoulder. “It’s a habit to call them light fae.”

Light and dark fae are opposite sides of the same coin. We are as similar as we are different. But I’ve always admired how their monarch system worked. They don’t have one ruler, they have many rulers. And when a decision is to be made that affects them all, each ruler will vote. It’s a good system and while there have been a few tyrants through the years, they’re always fast to be taken care of.

“It’s a good idea,” I say, after thinking about it. “To split everybody up. It would be a lot of work initially, but I could do it. I would have you and Nico to help.” I pause. “Of course, you might be too busy with the pack to help me. The dark fae aren’t your problem. They’re mine.”

Devin cocks an eyebrow. “You’re going to be my wife—you’re my soulmate. And as you pointed out, just as you’re going to be luna, I’m going to be king. It’s my duty to help your people. Because you’re people are my people.”

“Really?” I chew on my bottom lip.

“Yes.” He leans forward, reaching his hand toward me. He gently cups my chin. “Our children are going to be hybrids. Who knows what kind of powers they will have. Regardless, they’ll be dark fae, just as you are. So what happens to the dark fae will affect them. And it’ll affect you. So, yes, I am going to be proudly standing by your side. I will help you make decisions. I will do whatever you need.”

My heart swells at the promise.

It still blows my mind that Devin is acting like this. Most supernaturalshatedark fae and for good reason. And I know Devin lovesmebecause I’m his mate. But he’s going above and beyond just accepting me because I’m his mate. He’s accepting every single dark fae.

I know I have my work cut out for me. Though not every dark fae is cruel, a lot of them are. I imagine most act that way out of fear, but some, specifically those close to my father, revel in it. It’s going to take a long time to change their way of thinking. But I know that I can do it, especially since I’ve got Devin. I know he means his promise.

For the first time, I feel hope for the dark fae.

I never imagined being a queen, but I no longer dread it. The title isn’t quite as scary as it once was. Because I know it’s the title that is going to allow me to do a lot of good in the world. And being a leader isn’tsobad—Devin has helped me see that.

My heart feels full when I think about the future. My children will never know the pain that I’ve has to endure. They will never have to go through the horrible things that I have.

Everything reallyisgoing to be okay.

Wednesday, February 17

Leave my people alone.

On Wednesday morning, I wake up on the living room couch—right where I went to sleep the night before. I waited all day on Tuesday to hear news of King Hasting’s arrest, but there was none.

There is a comforter spread out across me and my head is on a pillow. I slightly sit up, looking to see that Devin is sleeping in the recliner. When he hears me move, his eyes open. He has a blanket over him as well, but his sleeping position doesn’t look nearly as comfortable.

He grins as he watches me with his intense green eyes. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” I say. “You didn’t have to sleep in the chair. You could’ve gone to bed.”

“You were too anxious to sleep. I wasn’t going to leave you, just in case you woke up and started worrying again.” Devin gives me a look that leaves me no room for argument. This isn’t something he is going to back down on. And as fun as it is to argue with an alpha, this isn’t something I want to fight him on. He’s right. If he would’ve left, I probably would’ve struggled to sleep.

I push myself into a sitting position. “Did Damian hear anything last night?”

Devin shakes his head. “Nothing yet. Maybe he has this morning.” He cocks his head to the side. “I can hear Monica in the bedroom with Grant, but I don’t hear Damian.”