While supernaturals try to unify, we are all still very much in our own worlds. And even though the Alpha Council exists, unifying shifters, it’s still called anAlphaCouncil for a reason. Everybody on the council are alphas, except King Basilicus, but he’s still a shifter so I’m not sure he even counts.

I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t Devin’s mate. There is no way they’d accept a dark fae, even if I am a hybrid.

I try to push the thought away as Devin leads me further into the room. Conversations grow quiet around us as others begin to notice our presence, or my presence more like.

Devin laces our fingers together, taking a step closer to me. I can feel his confidence—he believes in me. He thinks I belong here. It’s enough, for now.

Before we can take a seat, King Basilicus approaches us. He nods at Devin, but quickly turns his attention to me.

“Queen Hastings, I’m so glad you could come.”

“Tori,” I correct.

His dark eyes study me with an intensity that makes my knees feel weak. “You are a queen, and you should be addressed as such. I know you don’t think you deserve the title, but you do.”

I swallow hard at his bold statement. And because I am a dark fae, I can feel how much he means the words. “How about Queen Tori, then? Because right now, I share a last name with a monster and I don’t want my legacy to be attached to him in any possible way.”

He slowly grins, which transforms his entire face. He’s still intimidating, but somehow he seems kind when he smiles. “The dark fae are lucky to have such a wonderful queen.”

I don’t know about that, but I don’t argue. Nobody can win an argument against the dragon shifter king, he’s the most powerful supernatural in existence.

King Basilicus asks for me to follow him to the front of the room. Devin comes with us, mostly because he will never leave my side when I need him. And right now? Ineedhim. Without him, there is no way I could stand up in front of a room full of alphas.

As soon as we are standing at the front, every single person grows quiet, turning to look at King Basilicus. It’s clear to see how much every alpha admires and respects the dragon king. After knowing him, I realize it’s not just because of his power. It’s because he deserves it. He is exactly who the supernatural community needs as a leader.

“Today is an exciting day,” King Basilicus says, his booming voice beginning the meeting. “Not only are we welcoming Queen Tori, but we’re also welcoming King Sanguis.”

Everybody turns to look at the vampire king that is sitting in the middle of the room.

That’s right—the vampires, for the first time ever, have decided to join the council.

“I’ve also been in contact with King Mundus. While the elementals aren’t quite ready for him to join our council, he has agreed to meet privately with me to discuss council matters. It is more cooperation than we’ve ever had before, and we have Queen Tori to thank for that.” King Basilicus waves a hand toward me.

Everybody turns to look at me. I force myself not to hide behind Devin.

Being in a room full of alphas is terrifying enough. But having them all look at me only makes it worse. My heart pounds like crazy, which I know every single alpha can hear.

Devin squeezes my hand, offering me what little comfort he can in this situation.

“Thank you for having me,” I say, my voice coming out a little softer than I intended. Still, shifter hearing is a thing. I know everybody could hear me regardless of how loud I speak.

“It’s been a while since the public has heard anything from King Hastings. But Alpha Damian spoke to me and said things are urgent. What’s going on?”

I clear my throat, standing up straighter. “I spoke to my younger brother, Nico. He informed me that things are dire with the dark fae. My father has decided to eliminate anybody who stands against him, and he is executing dark fae familiesdaily.Our numbers are so few we truly can’t afford to lose any more of our people.”

I take a deep breath before continuing. “It’s especially not fair that my father is executing entire families. If one person in the family is found guilty, he executes everybody, including young children. His tyranny has reached new levels and he needs to be stopped. I can’t do it alone, so that’s why I’m here. I need help.”

King Basilicus nods. “And that is exactly what we will offer you and your people, Queen Tori. We will do what we can to free the dark fae. We already consider King Hastings a wanted criminal, but now it’s time for action. We will, of course, put it to a vote, but I propose we move. I vote we stop being passive and we arrest King Hastings now. He should be put to death for his crimes.”

Alpha Damian raises a hand. “I second the motion.”

“All in agreement,” King Basilicus says.

Every single alpha in the audience raises their hand.

“Motion passed.” He smiles, turning to look at me. “We will be sending troops out before the night is over to arrest King Hastings. You can relax, knowing that you’re people are going to be free. And you, Queen Tori, are going to be an excellent leader.”

I hope his words are true, but my stomach still twists with nerves.