“I don’t know aboutthat.” He backs away from me. “By the way, homeschooling is officially over as of today.”

I grin. “Really? We get to go to school?”

He nods.

“But what about King Hastings?” I ask. “And what about elemental training? And what—”

Devin cuts me off with a quick kiss on the lips. “Don’t worry so much. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. King Hastings is going to be a problem, rather we are here or at school. So we may as well go to school and get our minds off of it. As for training, Winter says you’ve learned a lot really fast. She will do your training after school. You don’t need to spend as much time training as she thought you would.”

“Really?” I look up at Devin, feeling hopeful. Maybe I was freaking out for nothing. Maybe I really do have this under control.

He laces our fingers together. “I know that’s what you were stressed out about this morning.”

“How do you know it was that?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Because I know you well.” He tugs me closer to him. “No matter what happens, we’re in this together.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t want anything to do with the dark fae. It’s because of me that you’re even having to deal with this.”

He shakes his head. “No. That’s not true and you know it. King Hastings was coming after the wolves regardless. He’s after the entire supernatural community. It wasn’t enough for him to just rule over the dark fae.”

I know this. I’ve always known this. But there is no way my father could’ve ruled the supernatural community. Even if he somehow got the wolves to fight for him, it wouldn’t be enough. Wolf shifters are strong, but so are dragon shifters, light fae, elementals, vampires, and most other supernaturals. As far as power goes, I’d say dark fae are pretty weak and insignificant.

When Devin and I head toward the kitchen, Monica and Damian are both sitting at the table with a very large array of food. Grant is happily eating in his highchair. His face is covered in something sticky as his tiny hands smash a piece of what looks like squished pancake into his mouth.

“What’s with all the food?” Devin asks. He pulls out my chair for me and makes sure that I sit down before he does.

“I couldn’t decide what I wanted, so I made everything I was craving,” Monica answers.

Not only are there breakfast foods, like eggs, bacon, and gravy but there are also fries and cheeseburgers. My stomach churns at the thought of eating something like that for breakfast, but Monica eyes it like it’s a treasure.

I grab a piece of toast and mash some avocado on it. Devin eyes me warily. I know he doesn’t think I eat enough, but I don’t have the appetite of a shifter.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to send me back to school?” I ask Damian, curious why now he’s sending me back.

Damian nods. “We need to know how you will react. Winter is positive that you won’t cause an earthquake, even if you get really mad. I trust her judgment.”

He does trust her, but I can feel that he isn’t certain that it’s a good idea.

Devin growls. I turn to look at him and see that his yellow eyes are trained on his brother.

“Tori is a dark fae, idiot,” Devin narrows his yellow eyes at his brother.

Damian’s eyes widen as he turns to me. “I’m sorry, Tori. I didn’t even think about that. It’s not that I don’t think you have control, I’m just worried. A lot of my pack goes to this school. I want to make sure that everybody is safe.”

I grab Devin’s hand beneath the table, giving it a comforting squeeze. “I am not offended. To be honest, I was worried about the same thing, but if Winter thinks I’m ready, I must be. Either way, we need to know now so we can adjust training accordingly.” I glance at Devin, who is still glaring at his brother. “I have to figure this out before the wedding.”

Devin’s eyes instantly change from gold to green as he looks at me. His entire face softens as a wide grin breaks out on his face.

He’s over the top excited about the wedding.

We finish our breakfast and head to school. As soon as Devin and I walk into our first period class, I am hit with a lot of emotions, the most prominent one being fear.

The kids are scared of me.

And why shouldn’t they be? I caused a strong earthquake. It’s a miracle that nobody got hurt. Everybody knows how strong hybrid elementals are. Throughout history, they have caused the most devastating natural disasters simply by losing control of their emotions.

Devin’s eyes flash yellow and every single wolf shifter in the room lowers their gaze. But I can still feel their fear. It’s overwhelming.