Devin grins widely at my words. I can feel his pride over the fact that I prefer his last name over my own.

I glance at him, raising an eyebrow. “I can’t wait to get rid of my father’s last name. I will proudly take yours, Devin.”

Damian clears his throat. “Can you two save the mushy crap until you’re alone? We just ate dinner and you’re going to make me vomit. And I’m certain King Basilicus doesn’t want to hear it.”

Devin rolls his eyes at his older brother.

King Basilicus laughs, clearly not upset at the two brothers fighting, or the display of ‘mushy crap’ as Damian so eloquently put it. “It’s quite all right, though you are making me miss my own mate. My oldest daughter is about to give birth, so my wife insisted on staying close. She doesn’t want to miss the birth of her first grandchild.”

My eyes widen. “Your old enough for grandchildren?”

He smiles. “You have made my day, thank you for that. Yes, I am old enough for grandchildren. My daughter is still young, only twenty. She met her mate young. And my wife and I had her when I was only nineteen.”

“I thought it was rare to meet your mate young,” I admit.

Having a kid at nineteen seems soyoung, even if it is with your mated soulmate.

“I think it is more common among alphas,” King Basilicus says. “Maybe fate knows young alphas are impatient.”

Maybe so, but Devin definitely wasn’t ready to meet me. I keep the thought to myself, not wanting to hurt Devin’s feelings. He’s more than made up for how he acted when we first met. I don’t want to hurt him by mentioning it again.

“Your daughter is your oldest child?” I ask.

He nods.

“Does that mean she’ll be queen?”

“No.” King Basilicus rubs at the scruff on his jaw. “With dragons, there is always a male heir. It may seem old fashion, but if my daughter truly wanted to be queen, I would’ve fought it. She didn’t want anything to do with the throne. She’s happy to settle down with a nice dragon who wants nothing to do with politics.”

“So your oldest son will take over?”

He nods. “Yes. He’s betrothed to the fae king’s eldest daughter. He’s only sixteen, so he’s still got a little bit before he’s to be married.”

“Your son met his mate at sixteen?” Damian cocks his head to the side.

“No.” King Basilicus clears his throat. “Long ago, when the dragons mated with fae to prevent the extension of dragon shifters, a treaty was signed that proclaims every three hundred years, there is to be a marriage between royals. It just so happens to fall onto my son.”

“But what if he meets his mate?” Devin asks.

King Basilicus frowns. “My son knows what’s expected of him. I can only hope he never meets his soulmate. I’ve talked with the fae king and he will not back down from the contract. As you know, fae don’t have soulmates. It’s one of the reasons they agreed to mate with dragons.”

“Dark fae don’t have soulmates either.” I chew on my bottom lip, wondering what else dark and light fae have in common. Maybe the rumors about us once being one race is true. Clearly, the light fae are more powerful than dark fae. If not, the king would’ve backed down when King Basilicus asked to let his son out of the marriage contract.

“I actually came here to talk to you, Tori,” King Basilicus says, turning his attention fully to me. “Your mate can stay, but I think it’s time we had a private conversation.”

My heart thumps a little faster, but I nod. King Basilicus raises an eyebrow at me and I realize it’s because he can hear my heart racing.

“I’m going to go help Monica put Grant to bed,” Damian says. He practically rushes from the room.

Devin motions toward the couch. “Do you want to sit down?”

King Basilicus doesn’t respond as he makes his way over to the couch and sits down. Devin and I sit down across from him. I rub my sweaty palms on the skirt of my dress.

“You’re nervous,” King Basilicus says, coking his head to the side. “I’ve noticed your eyes turn orange when you’re anxious.”

I nod. “I don’t know if you know this, but you’re kind of a scary guy.”

He smiles at my response. “Did you know that your eyes are similar to that of a fae? Their eyes change colors like yours do.”