Green eyes meet mine. “My mom was killed first, while my dad was out on the boat. It happened really fast. She was shot. Most of the time, when one mate dies, the other does too. But since my dad is alpha, he survived, though the pain that he felt was immense. He came back to the house and that’s when he was killed too. He shouldn’t have died—he’s an alpha. I guess the supernatural authorities said he didn’t put up a fight. After my mom died, he lost the will to live.”

Tears press against the back of my eyes. “Devin, I’m sorry.”

“It was your dad,” Devin says. “King Hastings killed my parents.”

I suck in a sharp breath at his admission. “What?”

He squeezes my fingers. “I don’t want you to feel bad. None of it is your fault. Your dad is a psychopath. He’s going to pay for what he’s done to my family. You’re innocent in all of this, just like I am.”

“No wonder you hated me when we first met.”

He shakes his head. “No. That’s no excuse. I knew the moment we met that you were nothing like your father. You’re kind, gentle, andgood. You’re so much better than him.”

“How am I supposed to make up for all my father has done?” My voice breaks as tears stream down my cheeks. “It’s not just your family, but my father has broken many families. He’s murdered to gain power and he hasn’t thought twice about it. I can’t ignore all the bad things he’s done.”

“You have nothing to make up for. You’re not supposed to make good on the evil your father has done,” he says. “But you will make up for it by treating the dark fae well. You’re giving themfreedom. You are going to show the world that the dark fae aren’t evil like we’ve been taught. Your actions will change everything—they already have.”

I stare up at my mate, wondering how he always knows exactly what to say.

“It should bemecomforting you right now, not the other way around.” I blink, slowly shaking my head. “Devin, my father killed your parents. It’s because of him that your childhood was stolen. How can you even stand to look at me?”

He puts his fingers under my chin, nudging my head up. “Because when I look at you, I don’t see your father. I seeyou, Tori. I see my mate. I see the woman that I am in love with and the woman that I am going to spend the rest of my life with. What happened to my parents sucks, but if they were alive, they would be so proud to call you their daughter-in-law.”

My heart skips a beat. “I can’t believe Dawson ever liked me. He was the one who pushed for me to come. I don’t get why.”

“Because it’s a fate thing,” Devin says. “You were always meant to be here. I fought against it for three years, but this year, I decided to give in to my brother’s request. I did it to prove him wrong, but he was right. The dark fae aren’t our enemy—King Hastings is.”

“Together, we will take him down. His legacy is destroyed.” My stomach fills with butterflies as I think about it.

This is all I’ve ever wanted—for my father to get exactly what’s coming to him.

Devin smiles. “I can feel your excitement.”

“Maybe it makes me a bad person, but this is exactly what he deserves.”

“You’re not a bad person.” Devin bends over and kisses me on the top of my head. “I feel better now that I’ve told you the truth. I’ve felt guilty for hiding it from you.”

“You didn’t hide it because you don’t trust me. You didn’t tell me because it was hard to talk about. You forget I’m a dark fae. I can feel the intention behind your words and I know exactly what you’re feeling.”

He furrows his brows. “I forgot about that part. I’m pretty sure this means our kids will never get away with anything.”

I laugh. “I might let them get a free pass every now and then. Especially if they have your eyes.”

“I already told you, I want our kids to get your eyes.” Devin puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to his side. I rest my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating.

Nothing is better than this.

“I still miss them,” Devin says so quietly I can barely hear him. “My parents, I mean.”

“I know.” I squeeze him tighter.

Devin talks about how hardmylife has been, but his is harder than he’s let on. Hopefully King Hastings will be taken into custody soon.

“But I know they’d be proud of me,” Devin says. “Of the man I am. And of the woman fate chose for me.”

Tears well up in my eyes at his sweet words.

I can’t wait to marry this man.