But am I ready for this?
I knew that once my father was taken care of, I would be queen. But I didn’t imagine it would be now, not this soon. I thought I would have more time to adjust and prepare myself.
Now is when I wish that Devin and I were mated. I wish I could talk to him through our mate bond. He would comfort me and encourage me. He would tell me what to do.
But I already know what Devin would say. He’d want me to say yes. He believes that I am capable of leading the dark fae. And he will stand proudly by my side.
I clear my throat as I turn back to King Basilicus. “I would be proud to join the Alpha Council to represent my people.”
King Basilicus smiles widely, but he’s not surprised by my answer. He already knew that I would say yes. “Excellent.”
“What does this mean for my father?” I tuck a piece of hair being my ear. “He’s not going to turn himself in. He will fight this. And even if some of the dark fae have started to revolt, he has loyal followers. They are some of the strongest dark fae and they won’t give up without a fight.”
“Anybody who aids your father will be considered a wanted criminal. The announcement is going out later today. Anybody who aids him will have the Alpha Council to deal with. In light of that threat, your father may find himself missing some allies,” King Basilicus answers. “Either way, justice will be served. And, according to history, today is the first day you are serving as queen to your people.”
My heart thumps fast and I’m aware that most every alpha in this room can hear it racing. But who wouldn’t react like this? It’s a big deal.
There is no way out of this for my father. He can run, but he won’t run forever. He has made an enemy of the entire supernatural world and it’s finally come back to bite him. He will not win this.
“Thank you,” I tell King Basilicus, then I stand, turning to the rest of the council. “Thank you all for your ruling against King Hastings. My father is a cruel and harsh man. He has tortured and murdered our people for far too long. And it’s not just his people, he kills his own family. He tried to kill me.” I reach my hand absentmindedly over my scar. “Today will go down as a good day in history.”
I lower my head. “I’m not qualified to take over this position. I’m only eighteen and I have no idea what I’m doing, but I do know that I will do a better job than my father ever did.” I lift my head to look at the council again. “I will treat my people with respect. With my mate by my side, I know that I can do anything. From now on, each of you can consider the dark fae a loyal ally.”
As I sit down beside Devin, everybody claps and cheers. Devin laces our fingers together. He has a huge smile on his face.
King Basilicus looks at me once again. “Queen Hastings, you are going to be a great ruler. You will always have an ally with the dragons.”
An ally with the dragons? If I thought my heart was racing before, it’s practically hyperspeed now. The dragons are the best ally any supernatural could have. Nobody would ever dare mess with the dark fae.
“Thank you, King Basilicus.” I nod at him. “I don’t feel worthy, but thank you for all you’ve done for my people.”
King Basiclicus smiles at me once more and then turns to the council. “I believe this meeting is adjourned. Just remember, when the announcement is made today, King Hastings will be furious and he will retaliate. Our people should be warned that he is unhinged. He knows he’s on a sinking ship and he will take down any and everybody that he can.”
He’s right.
My stomach sinks as I realize this isn’t over. If anything, this is just the beginning.
Whatever comes next, King Hastings won’t make it easy on us.
We’ve just declared war.
Something worth celebrating.
My stomach is in knots when we get home later that morning. I’m torn between being happy, anxious, and terrified.
King Hastings isn’t going to like what the Alpha Council decided. I know for a fact that my father has tried to get a seat on the council foryears. The fact that they just handed me a place will upset him greatly.
Then there is the fact that they considermethe ruler of the dark fae…
It’s still so weird to think about it. I have spent the last few months trying to remind everybody that I’m no longer a ‘princess.’
As nervous as I am about taking my place as the leader of the dark fae, I know that I can do it.
Before I met Devin, I was too scared to ever take on a role like this. I never would’ve defied my father. I preferred to remain hidden at all times. But after meeting Devin, I realized it wasn’t right for me to sit back and take the abuse. It’s important for me to stand up for myself.