Thursday, February 11

The dragon king.

Damian is gone all day on Thursday which worries me a little bit. I know that he and Devin were fighting—is he trying to avoid Devin? Are things going to be okay between them? I try not to overthink things, knowing that Devin’s family isn’t anything like mine. His brother isn’t going to try to kill him because of one argument.

Training with Winter is going very well. She seems shocked at all that I’ve learned in the short time we’ve been working together. Things that she said took her years to learn, I’m learning in one afternoon. To be fair, she was learning these things as a kid. I’m older so that probably has something to do with it. But Winter says I’m so good at it because I’m a hybrid.

Elementalshatehybrids. Well, not all elementals. Clearly, Winter doesn’t hate me. And King Mundus is mated to a wolf shifter, so his children are hybrids. There is a movement to try and show the elementals that hybrids aren’t dangerous if properly taught. I hope I can be an example of just that. Yes, I’ve lost control a few times, but nobody has gotten hurt. I’ve done everything in my power to learn how to control my magic.

“Where is Damian?” I ask Monica, while Devin takes a shower.

Devin shifted and went for a run this afternoon. He always likes to shower after because he gets sand all over him from running on the island.

“Alpha business.” She furrows her brows. “He won’t even tell me what he’s doing, which is a little frustrating.”

“Wait, don’t you get to know things as luna?” I ask. I don’t think I could handle it if Devin kept secrets from me.

She frowns. “He says he will tell me later tonight. But he did say we’re having company for dinner.”

“And he didn’t tell you who?”

“No. He didn’t even give me a hint.”

Shifter Academy is, first and foremost, a school. But alphas often come here for meetings. I’m not sure if because the island is a neutral location or if the alphas just like having meetings on an island in the middle of the ocean. So, our mysterious guest could be anybody.

“Did you notice my baby bump?” Monica rubs a hand over her mostly flat stomach.

I tilt my head to the side, studying her. “You look like you ate too many carbs.”

She chuckles. “Next month I’ll be half way there.”

My eyes widen. “Right. I forgot wolf shifters have six month pregnancies.”

“How long are dark fae pregnancies?” she asks.

“Same as most supernaturals—forty weeks.”

“Does that mean you’ll be pregnant for six months or nine months?” She picks Grant up out of his walker.

I shrug. “It’ll be a fun surprise, I suppose.”

She groans. “I can’t even imagine being pregnant for nine months. That sounds miserable.”

“I wouldn’t know.” But I do trust her judgment. She only recently started feeling better from her morning sickness.

“You could probably have a mixture of different lengths of pregnancies.” Monica gives Grant his bottle. He happily grabs it from her and starts drinking. “It likely depends on the species of your children.”

“Won’t they all be hybrids?” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, looking curiously at her.

“Yes, but some will probably be more like a wolf shifter. Some of them might be more elemental, and some more dark fae. Since your elemental and dark fae are both equally powerful, it stands to reason that some of them could be like you.”

I didn’t think of that.

Devin walks into the kitchen. He kisses me on the cheek before sitting down beside me at the bar.

Monica turns to him. “Do you know who our special dinner guest is?”

Devin cocks an eyebrow. “You think my brother tells me anything?”