Monica grins. “I know. I’m not sure I understand my husband’s thinking. I’ve tried to talk to him and get him to see reason, but once he has his mind set to something there is no changing it.”

“It’s an alpha thing.”

She laughs. “Yeah, you’re definitely right about that. But that’s what you have to look forward to being mated to Devin.”

Only Devin and I haven’t disagreed on anything. So far anyway.

I pull my knees up to my chest, hugging them against me. “Should I go check on Devin?”

Monica shakes her head. “They’re still fighting. You should give them both time to cool off.”

“They’re fighting?” I frown.

“They’re brothers—fighting is what they do. Devin has a dominant personality. He’s the true alpha. And Damian is his stand-in. It doesn’t happen often that an alpha is killed before the next in line takes over. What’s happening with them is difficult. Damian never wanted to be alpha, but he’s been forced to.” Monica takes a deep breath, slowly shaking her head back and forth. “They’re fighting now, but this family is strong. They’ll be laughing tomorrow. It’s what family does.”

“Not my family.” I lower my head, not wanting to even think about it. “My family fights and tortures one another forfun.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, but that’s not what real family does. Family should love one another and lift each other up,” she says. “And I promise you, the family that you’re about to marry into is a good one.”

“I can’t offer the same for Devin.” My lips turn downward. “All I have is Nico, and right now he’s under my father’s thumb.”

“But he won’t always be.” Monica puts his hand on my arm. When she does, I can feel a rush of her emotions.

I don’t know why I’m surprised, but Monica loves me like a sister.

She cocks her head to the side. “Why do you have this surprised look on your face?”

I motion toward her arm. “You’re touching me, so I can feel your emotions.”

She nods, understanding dawning on her features. “I forgot dark fae can read emotions, but it doesn’t matter because I don’t have anything to hide from you.”

My heart warms at her words. I know she means them. To have people who trust me means so much.

“What emotions do you get when you touch Grant?” Monica asks.

I grin. “It depends. He’s happy a lot. He also gets angry, especially if he’s hungry. But mostly, I feel love from him. He loves his family.”

Monica looks at her son who is playing on the rug. She smiles widely. “All I want is for him to be happy.”

“How could he not be happy? He has the best family,” I say, trying to assure her. “He’s lucky. We all are.”

“We are, aren’t we?” She looks from Grant to me. “It sounds like they’re done fighting.”

“Did they make up?” I ask, hopeful.

She smirks, shaking her head. “They’re both stubborn alphas. Give them a couple of days.”

“Devin is stubborn,” I tell her. “There is no way he’s going to change his mind, especially not about this.”

“I know.” She stands up and picks up Grant. “I’m going to go try to talk some sense into my mate.”

“Good luck.”

She snorts. “I’m going to need it.”

As she opens the door to walk inside, Devin comes walking out. She pats Devin on the shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look before making her way inside.

Devin’s face is red as he makes his way over. He doesn’t say anything, he just sits down beside me and pulls me into his arms. I expect to feel anger coming from him, but he’s more disappointed than anything. He’s hurt that his brother can’t see how much this is killing him.