Butwhydo I feel that way about her?

“Your baby has the prettiest eyes,” Winter says to Monica.

I turn to Devin, smirking at him. He thinks I’m the one with paranormal eyes, but his eyes are way more supernatural than mine. Mine are boring compared to his.

“We’re not having this argument again,” Devin whispers in my ear. “I will win every single time. You’d let me if you could see how blue your eyes are right now.”

It’s pointless to argue against an alpha, but I’ve got a lifetime of trying to win an argument again him.

Monica heads to finish cooking dinner. Winter and I join her—Winter actually helps, but I sit at the bar and just watch. Monica promised to teach me how to cook, but it’s probably best to wait until we don’t have company over. Since an alpha didn’t scare Winter way, my cooking would probably do the trick.

Winter keeps glancing toward the door and fidgeting with her hands.

“Are you still nervous about Damian?” I ask her.

She blinks, shaking her head. “No. Um, he’s nice.”

Still, she shifts her weight from one leg to the other and keeps wiping her hands on the fabric covering her legs.

“I feel… antsy,” Winter admits. “Like, I’m going to jump out of my skin.”

Monica turns to her, offering a smile. “It’s all the energy in the house. Being around alphas is intense sometimes.”

“Maybe,” Winter says, but she doesn’t look convinced.

“You seemed relaxed earlier,” Monica says.

Winter nods. “I was. I don’t know what it is. I’ve never felt anything like this.”

“Elementals don’t get premonitions, right?” I raise an eyebrow.

She chuckles. “No, definitely not. As far as I’m aware, no supernatural can tell the future.”

“Is Dawson coming?” I ask, tapping my fingers on the bar.

“Yeah,” Monica answers. “Damian had to practically order him to come, but he’ll be here.”

“Who is Dawson?” Winter looks between Monica and me.

“Damian and Devin’s brother.” Monica turns her attention to the stove.

“He’s younger?”

“He’s in the middle,” I tell her. “He’s a teacher at this school, actually. I’ll deny this if you tell him, but he’s my favorite teacher.”

Winter slides into a chair next to me. “And he’s an alpha too?”

I shake my head. “No. Just Damian and Devin. And Damian is just a stand-in alpha. When Devin takes over the pack, Damian will go back to being a regular pack member—or a beta, I guess. He’ll be second in line.”

Winter furrows her brows. “I guess I don’t understand how all of that works. Is there only one alpha?”

Monica explains the pack hierarchy to Winter while I sit there and listen. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I’ve learned a lot over the past few months. I know there are a lot of alphas, but Devin isthealpha. I guess that makes him the strongest alpha there is.

While Monica is talking, I hear the front door open. I glance over and see Dawson walk inside. His green eyes instantly turn amber as he sniffs the air.

“Is he about to shift?” Winter asks.

I turn to her and see that her eyes are wide. I remember being around wolf shifters for the first time. I was scared out of my mind when Devin approached me with yellow eyes. I’m about to tell Dawson to stop scaring our guest when he abruptly runs over to her. She’s practically shaking as she looks up at him. Dawson doesn’t say a word. He just leans over and kisses her right on the lips.