I feel something touch my shoulder. I turn around quickly, prepared to fight. My body instantly relaxes when I see Devin standing there.

“You scared me.” I put a hand against my racing heart. “Can’t you make noise or something?”

“Sorry, baby.” Devin smirks.

I step into his arms, leaning into his embrace.

Winter clears her throat. “Well, I guess that concludes our session then.”

“Winter,” Devin says, standing up straighter. “My brother has requested that you eat dinner with us.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh. The alpha.”

Devin nods.

“Don’t worry,” I tell her when I see the panicked look on her face. “Damian is really nice.”

She nods, but her face is noticeably paler.

“Devin is scarier than Damian.”

Devin tightens his embrace. “I’m scary?”

“The scariest.”

“I’ve just heard of the power of alphas,” Winter says. “And wolf shifters are known for being strong. And scary.”

Devin chuckles. “Damian really isn’t scary. He’s only the stand-in alpha until summer, that’s when I’ll take over as alpha. He hates being alpha. He’s definitely not scary.”

She sighs. “Yeah, okay. I suppose I should go. King Mundus wants elementals to make alliances with wolf shifters. He’s trying to ease elementals into it.”

Elementals don’t associate with other supernaturals. They’re almost as bad as my father, though they do allow elementals to marry other supernaturals if they’re mates. They have their own schools and won’t even allow hybrids to attend. They’re very elite.

“You can follow us back to the house,” Devin says.

She wrings her hands but nods. “Yeah, okay.”

Devin leads me toward the golf cart, helping me get on before he does.

“What happened to not leaving me today?” I tease him.

“I had something important I had to take care of.” He laces our fingers together. “Besides, I knew she wasn’t going to hurt you.”

Devintrustsher. I do too—there is just a feeling I have about her. But it surprises me that he feels the same.

“I like Winter.” I glance behind us, seeing her golf cart behind us. “It’s weird, but I feel like she’s family or something.”

Devin grins. “Yeah, me too.”

Because we’re holding hands, I can see how excited Devin is. I glance over, curious at his excitement. He doesn’t say anything, he just keeps his eyes forward.

Something is definitely going on.

It is fate.

Winter meeting Damian is amusing. She keeps her head lowered and says ‘um’ a lot. She quickly relaxes, especially as Monica hands Grant to her.

Grant is completely relaxed with Winter. It makes me think that maybe there is something to the way that I feel around her.