My heart skips a beat.

Devin’s smile widens. “That sound will never get old. The way your heart reacts to me takes my breath away. What did I do to deserve you?”

“You exist and that’s enough.” I close my book. I was done anyway. I glance down, seeing the ring on my finger. I sigh, studying the design that Devin picked out for me.

Wolf shifters don’t typically wear rings. Rings don’t shift with a shifter—something about the gold bands makes it impossible. Since I don’t shift, Devin got me a ring. He knew that dark fae do wear rings. I can’t help but think back to a time when he hates dark fae so much that he wouldn’t care what our traditions were. Now, he’s learning them just to make me happy.

“We still have four months.”

At the sound of Devin’s voice, I look up. A frown is playing on his lips as he looks at my ring.

I lean forward and press a gentle kiss to his lips. His frown slowly transforms at the move, which is exactly what I wanted. I go to pull away, but Devin pulls me closer to him. He kisses me, though not quite as gently as I did. The move makes my heart race fast and because we’re touching, I can tell that hearing it has pleased Devin. He likes that he can affect me like this—I like it too.

When Devin abruptly pulls back, I am confused. A moment later, I hear the backdoor open up. Damian and Monica walk inside. Damian is carrying Grant in his arms.

Damian raises an eyebrow at Devin. “You’re actually doing your homework?”

“I was watching Tori do her homework,” Devin says. “Smart girls are kinda hot.”

My cheeks grow warm. “Devin.”

His smile widens. “And by girls, I mean you. Only you.”

That wasn’t what I meant and he knows it.

Sometimes, I still get embarrassed if he flirts with me in front of his brothers. Or anywhere in public, really.

“I assure you, Damian already knows that I think you’re hot,” Devin says.

Damian snorts.

“I’m going to get started on dinner,” Monica says, changing the subject. “What do you guys want?”

I give her a thankful smile.

After a few arguments between Damian and Devin about dinner, Monica gets started cooking. Damian puts Grant into his walker before sitting down with us at the table.

“I need to talk to you,” Damian says.

When I look up, I’m surprised to see that Damian is looking at me instead of Devin.

“Me?” I ask.

He nods. “I’ve been in contact with King Mundus.”

The relief I feel when I learn it has nothing to do with King Hastings is momentary because my heart jumps into overdrive at the mention of my maternal grandfather.

I have family on my mother’s side. I’m still getting used to it. But learning that my grandfather is king of the elementals is a lot to take in, especially considering I have elemental powers that I knew nothing about until very recently.

Powers that can cause an earthquake.

Devin slips his hand into mine as he speaks up for me. “What did he say?”

I’m not sure I could form a coherent response anyway.

“An elemental will be coming within the next couple of weeks to start training Tori,” Damian answers, then turns to me. “It’s what you wanted, right?”

I nod, because itis. I need to learn how to control this power that I have. But part of me wonders if it’s even real. Am I really a hybrid elemental? My mom might’ve been part elemental, but she was more wolf than elemental. How is it that I’m stronger in elemental magic than I’ll ever be in wolf shifter magic?