Tana bit back the urge to remind Lindsey about the fact that Chase’s skiing career had been ruined by an injury. She wanted to be able to talk to her daughter about everything in a calm and collected way.

“You know what, Lindsey? Your teacher texted me today. She told me you got all your homework done in the Kids Club.”

Lindsey nodded proudly. “I did my whole sheet.”

“Then you know what?” Tana leaned down and brushed her fingers gently over Lindsey’s ribs, causing her daughter to giggle. “You can watchFrozenas a special treat. Okay?”

“Yes!” Lindsey punched a fist in the air, spraying droplets of water all over the bathroom. “Oops.” She flashed Tana the most charming grimace she’d ever seen before grabbing the hand towel to dry off the floor.

“Andthatcan go right in the laundry.”

Lindsey scampered off to her bedroom to change clothes, leaving a shirt and pants and underthings in her wake. Drawers opened and closed, and then she ran out again in her favorite Frozen PJs to turn on the movie.

Tana picked up the laundry, laughing at her daughter’s enthusiasm. When Lindsey was a baby, she had trouble falling asleep and out of desperation, Tana would play different songs, hoping to calm her daughter down enough to fall asleep. The soundtrack toFrozenhad been a lifesaver, seeing them through countless growth spurts. The sing-along version always seemed to brighten their day.

Tana went through the kitchen to the small utility and laundry room and was very thankful that the staff residences came with their own washer and dryer. With a six-year-old, there was always laundry to do. Lindsey seemed to generate dirty clothes even when she was in school, which should have been impossible. And yet...

The opening notes of the first song fromFrozenfilled the cottage, and Tana loaded the clothes into the washer. In the privacy of the laundry room, she tipped her head back and let the emotions of the day wash over her. Irritation. Embarrassment.Moreirritation. A surprisingly lovely few minutes. And then...awkwardness. Tana closed the washer lid. Chase wassinfullyhot. He had the most intriguing eyes she’d ever seen on a man and she wanted to run her fingers through his hair while he left beard burns on the inside of her thighs.

Down girl!

No matter how hot Chase was—and he wasveryattractive—the way he’d reacted when he realized she had a daughter was telling. Tana reminded herself that dating men who couldn’t handle the fact that she had a daughter would never work out.No matter how gorgeous they were.

That didn’t mean she had to deny his hotness. She simply didn’t need to act on it. Couldn’tact on it. Not ever.

She took a deep breath and hit the button on the washer to start the load. After dinner, they’d have the talk. The one where she explained to Lindsey why she couldn’t take ski lessons from Chase.

The thought of disappointing her daughter made Tana’s heart ache, but it was the right thing to do. It would be best for all of them if she nipped whatever sparks there were between herself and Chase in the bud. That also meant keeping Lindsey away from him. Tana swallowed an aching lump in her throat. Lindsey hadn’t been this excited about anything since they’d moved to Elk Lodge.

Tana’s most deep-seated instinct was to keep her daughter safe and she worried about the toll learning to ski would take on her body. Lindsey would not be happy to hear it, but the answer would have to be no. Tana had to make the tough choices now so they could be healthy in the long run. And keep both of their hearts intact.

Because that would be worse, wouldn’t it? If Lindsey and Chase developed a friendship, it wouldn’t be a big leap for her to start getting ideas. Daddy ideas. And the next thing Tana knew, she’d be having to explain why Chase wasn’t going to come live with them. Been there, done that, and as painful as the breakups had been for her, they were even harder for Lindsey.

It was better to have the uncomfortable conversation now instead of an agonizing one later.

The washer finished filling, and the wash cycle kicked into high gear. Tana had been standing there long enough for “Let It Go”to start playing in the living room. Lindsey sang along with it, her voice high and clear. She had a natural talent.

Maybe tonight wasn’t a good night to break the news. There would be plenty of time tomorrow. For now, she wanted to listen to her daughter sing and share in the joy Lindsey brought to life.



Tana stood in the middle of Chase’s driveway, looking up at the luxury chalet he called home. It was really something else. Huge picture windows dominated the front of the log home, and all of it looked like it had been lovingly maintained for as long as it had been on the property.

The front door was painted a deep forest green complimenting the natural exterior and there was a large wreath hanging there that was bigger than Lindsey. The door swung open, and Chase stepped out.Crap.She’d meant to knock like a normal person, and here she was, staring at his house from the driveway.

“Hey,” he called out. “Did you need a ride somewhere?”

After how well yesterday’s ride went?“No, I’m good.” Tana smiled, trying to project warmth and gratefulness as she was about to reject his kind offer. “I actually came to talk to you.”

Chase grinned, and desire heated her core. She’d already been warm from her ski lesson and the walk to Chase’s house, but now she felt like she’d curled up in front of a crackling fire. No.No.That was not the kind of feeling she was supposed to entertain.

Chase stepped out onto the porch and held open the door. “Well, come on in then. Heat’s getting out.” Hewinked.The teasing gesture felt so natural Tana had to swallow a belly laugh.

She hurried onto the porch and went inside, Chase right behind her. The high-ceilinged foyer was bright with natural light streaming down from a skylight. Tana caught a glimpse of the interior beyond—a wide-open living room with floor-to-ceiling windows and a leather couch that looked so soft it practically begged her to take a nap.

Tana spun around, knocking into Chase, her hand going to his chest. Hard and muscled. She jerked back, heat rushing to her cheeks. She hadn’t realized he’d stepped closer.