Gabe’s hand came up, and he stroked the side of her face, his eyes finally landing on hers. They flicked down over her lips and lingered there. “How should we do that?”
“Oh, I’m not sure,” she said primly. “Do you think we should practice first? Do some exercises to get closer together before our next public appearance?”
He made a low noise in the back of his throat. “I can think of a few exercises for that.” His blue eyes warmed. “I have to warn you, though—they involve significantly less clothing.”
“Try me,” she said, all too happy when he took her up on the offer.
When they climbed out of bed an hour later, Gabe felt closer to Anna.Muchcloser. It still stung, the way she’d brushed over his worry about not belonging with his family, but it stung a lot less. He’d take that for now.
They stepped into the shower together, and he tried to put his heart back inside his body as he ran the washcloth over her curves, circling her breasts and tickling her hips. She leaned back against him, her head on his chest. “No more,” she said. “Or I’ll be too tired to go to dinner with you.”
“With me, Jonas, and Chase,” he said, clearly not entirely over her earlier defection to his family’s way of thinking.
She stiffened. She hadn’t been prepared for this extra performance. “I didn’t know we were going to dinner with them tonight.”
He worked the shampoo through her hair and helped rinse it out again. “Well, that’s what we’re here for—family dinners.” Gabe turned her to face him, but her dark eyes slipped away from his. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face toward his. “You’ve been amazing at the dinners. What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” She smiled, the nervousness disappearing from her face but not her body. Her shoulders remained tense as she dried her hair and put on her makeup. If she didn’t want to talk about it, he wouldn’t press. Not when they were about to walk out the door.
The hotel’s restaurant was on the opposite side of the building, a five-star affair with low lighting and white tablecloths.
“Is your grandmother going to eat with us tonight?” Anna murmured as they breezed by the hostess.
“No. Jonas sent a message saying she was still too tired. Her cancer treatments take a lot out of her.” Gabe squeezed her hand. “I thought you had a good time with Chase and Tana today.”
“Of course,” she said as if she was trying to convince herself, too. “It was a great lesson, and they’re good teachers.”
“Then—” It was too late to finish the question, so he stopped himself. They had come to the round table where Tana, Chase, and Jonas were waiting. Jonas and Chase stood up to shake hands with him. It was all very formal. Tana came around to embrace Anna, and then they all took their seats. “Lindsey’s at a friend’s house,” Tana said, explaining her absence.
“Now that the lovebirds are here, we can order,” Chase said, shooting Anna a wink.
She laughed, the sound too loud and bright for the moment, and an intense awkwardness flooded over Gabe. “What are you going to have, Jonas?”
“Steak,” his brother’s answer came without a second’s hesitation. “It’s my favorite thing on the menu.”
“You don’t want to broaden your horizons?” Chase needled him. “Anna did. She’s basically never been skiing before, and she spent a good two hours on the slopes today.”
“Will I lose all my credibility if Ialsoorder steak?” Anna asked, her smile too full. Almost forced.
Chase and Jonas chuckled, seeming not to notice.
“Because it sounds good after all that exercise.” She glanced at Gabe as she said it, her cheeks going pink, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what she was trying to do. Could his brothers tell? That was the key at this moment.
Tana said something about roast chicken, and the rest of them chattered about it until the server came back and took their orders.
“Now that that’s done,” Chase said, folding his hands on the table, “what do you two have in mind for the wedding? Because I have some ideas.”
This earned him a look from Tana. “Youhave ideas? About weddings?”
“Yeah.” Chase grinned. “But I want to hear what the plans are first before I jump in with suggestions.”
“Oh, we—” Anna glanced at Gabe. “We haven’t had time to talk about plans for the big event yet, what with the holidays and wanting to be here for Elin.”
“What’s your dream wedding?” Tana asked, reaching for a roll in the basket at the center of the table. Those rolls were one of Gabe’s favorite things in the restaurant, but he didn’t want one now.