She put a hand to her chest, pretending to be honored. Or maybe shewashonored. It didn’t seem to matter when her other hand was still firmly locked together with his. The town was decorated with strings of lights, and the light posts all had giant wreaths on them and Anna took in a deep breath.

“Is it me, or does it smell like fresh gingerbread here?” she asked.

“That’s the bakery.” He pointed to a location just down the street.

Anna’s shoulders shook. “This is justsoChristmas. I love it.”

They went into the jewelry store, a hybrid place with a little boutique on the side. Soft Christmas carols played as they looked in all the cases. Gabe stopped by a collection of jeweled watches, and Anna slowly let go of his hand, leaving him to browse the boutique.

He’d just settled on the watch in the center—one with rubies and diamonds surrounding the face—when he felt her presence at his side.

“I found something.”

“So did I. This watch.” He held it out to show Anna.

“It’s gorgeous.” A beat of time passed. “But given her condition, I think she might like something soft and more functional.” Anna took his hand and led him to a beautiful display of colorful shawls. They felt like water moving through his fingers. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his grandmother in anything this vibrant, but they weresosoft.

“I think you’re right,” he murmured, choosing one that looked like spring flowers in the evening. The colors were bright and burnished, the way they looked in the sunset from his grandmother’s favorite spot on the property. “How did you choose the perfect thing?”

She put her arm through his and leaned in. “Good instincts, I guess.”

He breathed in the shampoo and hairspray scent of her, and not for the first time, he wanted to kiss her right here in front of everyone. And not just any kiss. A long, deep, lingering kiss, so that he could imprint the feeling on his memory. Anna, shopping with him for his family. He might not be an optimal fit for the Elkin crew, but he fit with Anna like a puzzle piece.

Gabe shook off the urge to do something crazy, like propose to her in the jewelry store. He handed the shawl to the clerk and Anna moved to look at the window display. The snow had started to fall, little flakes glittering in the sun, a beautiful backdrop for a beautiful woman. Although even cold and her teeth chattering, she drew him irresistibly. A quiet conversation with the shop owner saw his gifts wrapped up and put into a small silver bag.

“Let’s walk.” Anna slipped her arm through his at the door. “It’s so beautiful here.”

“Anything for you,” he smiled. Anna laughed, but he meant every word.

They strolled down the street, taking in all the shop windows with their wrapped gifts and colorful lights. Stopping to do some additional shopping so he could buy presents for his brothers, Tana, and Lindsey. In a small courtyard, kids met with Santa Claus for pictures, their laughter high and excited. He felt an answering thrill in his chest. Gabe had long since stopped being excited about the holiday like a child would be, but the memories came hard and fast at times like this. His mother’s arms wrapped around him by the Christmas tree. His father leaned over to kiss her cheek.

Gabe cleared his throat, and they moved on. They stopped at a food cart selling hot chocolate and ended up at the massive Christmas tree in the center of town. It had been decorated with ornaments made by children.

“I just love this. Look at that one—it’s all glitter.” Anna’s enormous grin was heartfelt.

The paper plate had indeed been covered in glitter. “That one’s eye-catching, but I think this one’s underrated.” Gabe pointed out a paper plate ornament that had a single smiley face drawn in the center in a shaky hand. “Somebody worked hard on that.”

“They did,” she murmured. “Very hard. It turned out perfect.”

A minute later, her teeth started their telltale chatter. Anna was a long way from getting acclimated to the cold mountain temperatures. He pulled her into his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me you were getting chilled?” He kissed her cheek, the smooth skin chilly against his face.

“I’m a desert girl,” she laughed. “I’ll always be cold in the wintertime. Luckily, there’s a whole ski lodge to keep me warm.”

Gabe bundled her back to the car and turned up the heat. “Most of the ski lodge is colder than you’re used to,” he said sagely. “But there’s one place that’ll always behot.”

Anna grinned, knowing exactly what he meant. She rubbed her arms on the way in. “I know you have the heat blasting, but somehow I’m still chilled.”

Arriving back at the lodge, they made their way to the elevator and headed for his suite. “Not for long.”

Once inside, Gabe went into the sparkling bathroom and started the water to draw a bath in the jacuzzi tub. He looked at the basket filled with bath bombs, trying to figure out which one she might like. He grabbed a Raspberry Relaxation and tossed it in.

“Oh, that looksgood.” Water filled the tub quickly, and before he knew it, Anna had shrugged off her clothes.

His heart stopped, then stuttered to a start again. “Youlook good.”

Anna threw him a coy look. “Don’t I know it.” She flipped her hair, confident and a little sassy, but her face flushed, nonetheless. He watched as she put one foot into the jacuzzi, then the other. Taken in by her curves, he thought he might need a cold shower instead.

Anna pulled her hair up, tying it off with whatever she’d grabbed from the counter before sinking down into the water with a moan that he felt down to his toes. She opened one eye. “Are you coming in?”