“Hey,” Elena said sleepily. She worked as a chef in one of the upscale restaurants on the Strip and never started her days early because of how late she worked. “Are you calling me about Christmas plans?” Her friend yawned, not bothering to smother it.
“I’m calling to apologize about Christmas plans.” Anna took a brand-new ski outfit from the suitcase and hung it up in the closet. “I got swept away on a holiday vacation.”
“Remember that guy I was working with? Gabe Elkin?”
Elena chuckled. “The hot billionaire?”
“Yes.The hot billionaire if that’s what you must call him. We were at dinner last night, and he asked me to spend the holidays with him.” A ringing silence took over the phone line. “Are you still there?” There was no use in getting into the whole engagement. It would be over before she knew it.
“And you went with this guy?”
“His family owns a luxury resort in Colorado. So, yeah, I came. We’ll be home after New Year’s.”
Elena let out a disappointed sigh. “How many times do we have to have this discussion? You cannot keep letting rich jerks take advantage of you like this. We were supposed to spend Christmas together, but it’s not really about that. This is a huge mistake.”
Anna stopped halfway between the bed and the closet, a little stunned. “Okay, well, he’s not a jerk, and I have my own plans.” Tension pulled itself tight across her chest. “He’s offered to help me with my business idea in exchange, and we’re going to talk about it while we’re here.”
“Okay.” Elena’s voice had become clipped and sharp. “I hope this doesn’t turn out to be another debacle.”Like the one with Freddie.That was the part she left out.
“It won’t.” Anna smiled. She was trying to project confidence over the phone, even if she didn’t feel it. “This will begreatfor my career.”
Her friend’s voice softened. “I hope it is.” The two women hung up, and Anna’s hands shook as she unpacked the rest of their clothes.
She hadn’t expected Elena to be thrilled that their Christmas plans were canceled, but then again, she hadn’t expected the reaction she’d gotten either. Maybe Elena was right about some things. Maybe Gabewasanother billionaire she should keep at arm’s length, but it was too late to leave now. Anna wasn’t going to do that to him.
Her phone buzzed. She snatched it up off the bed, thinking it would be Elena calling to add one last bullet point. That would be so like her. She’d get in her parting shot, and then they’d both back down. They’d make new plans.
“Just say it, okay? I want to move past this with you,” Anna said in a rush, wanting to right things with her friend.
The phone line crackled. “Move past what?” Her breath fled, leaving her lungs worthless empty sacks.Dammit, why didn’t I check the caller ID.“I’m calling to tell you I’m out of prison, but I guess you already heard.”
Anna wrenched one of the suitcases off the bed and pulled it over to the closet. “Hi, Dad. No, I hadn’t heard.” A pang of strange and ridiculous guilt tightened her throat. If he was calling because he wanted to spend Christmas with her, then she had bad news for him, too. Not that she wanted to spend any time with him. He had always been focused on his criminal activities. “What’s up? Besides the fact that you’re out.”
Her dad cleared his throat. “Well, it’s been a bit of a rough time.” Anna braced herself. This was a familiar pattern. “I can’t go back to dealing since that’s what they took me in for in the first place. I’ve been staying at your brother’s.”
“How’s that going?”
“It’s all right since he’s back on the inside.”
Anna put a hand to her forehead and shoved the second suitcase into the closet. “For what?” Her brother couldn’t keep himself out of prison either.
“Grand theft auto. But that’s not the point. I need a little money to get by. Can’t have this place getting any bad marks on it while I’m here. If you could send me five or six hundred, that would be enough to—”
Anna hung up.Not again. Anna swiped hurriedly through the apps on her phone and blocked his phone number. No money. No guilt trips. Not this time. She’d spent too long trying to make everything okay in her family, but they just kept taking. She was done.
“I hope I wasn’t gone too long.” Gabe’s voice startled her, sending her hand flying to her chest. She had no idea how much time had passed. “It’s time for the family dinner and we’ve got to knock this one out of the park. My previous girlfriends made either no impression or a negative one, and I’m not sure why, but—wait, did you put away all the clothes?”
“I did.” She put a big smile on her face but saw concern flare in his eyes. “It was relaxing, if you can believe it.”
“I don’t.” Gabe went to the closet, opened it up, and pulled out a dinner jacket. “Did something happen while I was gone?”
“Nothing. But Iamsurprised to find out you’re dressing so fancy for dinner. I can’t go wearing these pants. Give me ten minutes.” Anna had an outfit in hand and on her body in far less time than she’d needed. In the bathroom, she ran a hand through her hair and gave herself a stern look in the mirror while she refreshed her makeup with a skilled hand. She wasnotgoing to slip up and let the false front of perfection drop. The stakes were high for Gabe and his family and she’d promised to do her best.
It had taken her years after she left home to figure out how to act like someone with money and poise, and it wasn’t going to crumble today. Definitely not today. This wasn’t about a luxury vacation or relaxation. Anna had a point to prove, both to herself and to Gabe.
She swirled out of the bathroom, hands above her head. “How do I look?”