His words hit Tana like the world’s most exciting snowballs. She hadn’t checked her voicemails, not wanting to face the inevitable message that they were letting her go before she got the jump on the situation and resigned. It was a matter of pride. But this, this was a miracle.
Chase wanted to leave with her more than he wanted to stay here without her. Her heart broke open, spilling hope all over her insides in a warm wave.
“And,” Chase continued, “I guess I should say that...it’s okay if you’re done with this place. But I hope you’ll at least consider the offer.”
Tana stepped closer to him. The longer he stood in her house, the harder he was to resist.Don’t just melt into his arms, Tana. Be honest with him.“I was really hurt when you ran out before that meeting. That was one of the most humiliating moments of my life, and you just...you walked away.” There. It was out in the open, and not during a shouting match. “And... I’ll be honest because that’s kind of my thing. The pain hasn’t faded. I can still feel it…” she tapped her chest, “in here. But the fact that you did what you did to clear my name means something.” Tears welled up in her eyes.Don’t cry. Don’t do it.She swallowed back a relieved sob.
“Oh, Tana—” He took a step closer.
“Wait, I’m not done yet.” She didn’t stop Chase when he put his arms around her. “I realized after the fact that you were in a really awkward position with your family. I should have taken that into account. You were probably just as blindsided as I was.” Another deep breath, this one for courage. “The reason I never mentioned what happened is because I never wanted to think about it, or him, ever again. That part of my life doesn’t even seem like it belongs to me.”
“What aboutthis,Tana?” Chase took in all the boxes in the living room. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“Oh, God.” Tana leaned her head forward until it rested on Chase’s chest and let out a laugh that carried an incredible tension with it. “I’ve never been so lonely in my life. I miss you. I....loveyou.”
She felt his shock through the palms of her hands, and then Chase reached to cup her face, tilting it up toward his. “Say that again,” Chase murmured.
“I love you.” One errant tear fell onto her cheek. “And Lindsey loves you. We both miss you like crazy. She wants to come back here and do her ski lessons. She never wanted to leave.” She laughed, but it made her cry to think about it. “I didn’t tell her what was going on, but Linds was sure that if I just said sorry for whatever happened, everything would be okay, and we wouldn’t have to go away. This place is home to us.”
“Thank goodness.” Chase leaned down and kissed her, his lips soft and manly, confident and sensual. Theyfit.
Her arms went around his neck like they were made to do it, and he pulled her in close. The heat between them grew until Tana was panting, desperate to be free of her clothes. But the conversation wasn’t over yet. If she tumbled into bed with Chase before they were finished talking, she knew she’d let it be—water under the bridge. And she couldn’t be that woman anymore. He had to know what she wanted.
“Chase,” she said.
He paused, resting his lips against her neck.
“I want to stay at the lodge.”
“I kind of gathered that,” he joked.
“I know you want to leave.”
He pulled back, his expression sobering.
“I know you talked about moving to California, and maybe you still want to do that.” Tana wasn’t going to hold him back from doing what he loved. If they had to be apart, so be it—she’d wait for him. Or go with him. They’d figure it all out. “Again, I want to stay here, but if you want to leave, there’s room in my car for one more, though you’ll have to put up withFrozenplaying on repeat on the iPad.”
“What about this?” He kissed her neck, working his way up to her earlobe. “What if we stay here for a bit longer? You have a killer job for as long as you want it, and you could always move into my house.”
“That’s an Elkin family house,” she said automatically. Those houses were places Tana could only ever dream of owning, because she’d never have the money. Unless…
“And you would be part of the family.” Chase went still, except for the pad of his thumb stroking her cheek. She leaned her face into his touch. “I love you, Tana. I don’t want to spend another day away from you. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to go.”
Tana breathed in the scent of him, all cold air and soap, and knew she couldn’t live without him, either. She’d do anything in her power to avoid it. She’d found the perfect man, and she was going to hold on tight.
“I want to go to the bedroom,” Tana said. “Right now.”
Ever since his first attempt on the bunny hill three months ago, Chase had returned to physical therapy with a new goal. Getting back on skis. The first two months had been agonizing, but little by little, it became easier as muscle memory kicked in and he got stronger. Soon enough, he was enjoying his time on the slopes and his love of skiing was as strong as ever. Provided he didn’t overdo it.
“Okay, ready?” Chase led Tana to the bunny hill chairlift, and they rode together to the top. But instead of turning right, they turned left toward the base of the closest intermediate slope. “Close your eyes until I say you can open them.”
“What’s this all about?” she asked.