“It’s done. Don’t think, just—” Tana eased herself down on his length and tipped her head back with a groan. “Move,” she urged. “I have to go soon.”

Chase stopped thinking and started doing, loving the feel of her. The hot slide of her up and down. Their hips meeting. The softness of her skin beneath his hands. The way her nipples peaked when he brushed the pad of his thumb over them. How sweet her voice sounded, saying his name. Her weight kept him grounded in the moment. There was no move to California, no decision to make about what they were or weren’t, nothing but her body and his.

He let her ride him until a pulsing need rose in him. It was his old, physical call—the one that made him go into professional skiing, the one that spurred him on to push off at the top of the hill. Chase sat up, and Tana clung to him as they kissed. Then kissed again. He was so close. It was like he’d been thinking of her nonstop since last night, which in fact, he had.

With her legs wrapped around his waist, he slid off the bed. Holding her like this was worth the pain in his leg. He’d deal with that in the morning. Right now, it was all about Tana.

“Oh, Chase—what are you—what—” Tana could hardly speak. She let out a sigh when her back made contact with the door, and he wanted to hear that sigh every day for the rest of his life. He wanted to feel how she clenched around him. He wanted the sexy pain of her nails biting into his shoulders and the deep, aching pleasure of her orgasm when they were joined. Oh, it was good. It was the best thing he’d ever experienced in his life.

He lost himself to the pleasure, and his release barreled into him at the speed of light. He pushed Tana harder against the door, bracing them both, and rode the wave all the way down to the bitter end. When it was done, he eased her down onto her feet.

Tana let her head fall forward so that her forehead rested on Chase’s collarbone. “I wish I didn’t have to leave,” she mumbled against his chest. “My legs are going to be jelly.”

“There are worse things.”

She laughed, her shoulders shaking against him. The mood had lifted, lightened, and even though Chase hadn’t come here to have sex with Tana, he was glad he had. They needed it. At least,heneeded it. Tana? He wasn’t so sure. But he felt too satisfied to debate all of that again now.

Hislegs were jelly, too—and he needed to be able to drive his car. Chase stretched his arms above his head and felt her watching him. “Better than coffee. In fact, better than everything.”

“Better thaneverything?” Tana arched an eyebrow at him.

“Look.” He bent down to kiss her again, trying to memorize the heated softness of her lips. “If I had a few hours with you...a whole night, even...”

“Don’t tease me,” she breathed into his mouth.

“That would be the best.”

Tana put her hands on his neck and let herself lean into him while they kissed, tongues coming together, exploring, dancing. Then she broke it off and put her fingertips to her lips. “I’ve gotta go,” she said, and he could tell she didn’t want to. “Help me get dressed?”

“Absolutely.” He turned on the charm he used for fans and ushered her out of the bedroom, making a small detour into the bathroom. Then he knelt in front of Tana in the hall and tugged her panties back into place, kissing her hipbones for good measure while she pulled on her bra. He helped her back into her base layers, which made him inexplicably jealous—why should that fabric get to touch her when he couldn’t? He pulled on his own clothes and came back to guide the snow pants back up her legs. Sticking his feet into his boots made him feel like he was stepping out of a hot shower into a cold room. But it had to be done.

“Come on. You can walk me to my car,” said Tana, laughing.

"Happy to, ma’am.”

“Ouch. Ma’am? Was the sex that bad?”

“No, it was perfect. Like you,” he said, going to the door and opening it wide. “After you, my lady.”



Lindsey’s birthday party was a hit. Tana stood in the back room of a small local restaurant called Pizza Mike’s, surrounded by twelve screeching, gleeful six- and seven-year-olds from Lindsey’s class. Pin the Tail on the Donkey had turned out to be a pretty good party game, though she’d worried about it the night before. All the girls were having a great time spinning each other around and stumbling dizzily toward the wall. Tana took a deep breath and reminded herself not to get stressed over the noise and the rush of the party. It wasalmostover.

There was a party later at Elk Lodge for all the employees, and she couldn’t have been more thrilled. Every time she thought about it, her heart pounded. An adult happy hour, with actual adults.Chasewas going to be there. Lindsey would be staying with her parents tonight, so Tana would have the evening to herself.

Tana’s parents came into the restaurant, talking to each other, and Lindsey waved to them through the glass that separated the party room from the restaurant. They picked their way through the tables—on Friday afternoon, the crowd wasn’t at peak yet, but plenty of people were dining in.

“Where’s the birthday girl?” Tana’s mom asked, drawing her in for a hug.

“Yeah. I need to wish Lindsey a happy birthday. Seven years old!” Tana’s dad looked all around, a smile crinkling his eyes.

Tana laughed. “She’s right here, Dad. I think she was—” The sentence died before it ended. Because Lindsey wasn’t about to take her turn at Pin the Tail on the Donkey. She was off to the side of the room, Tana’s phone pressed to her ear. Not something she’d authorized.

She made a beeline for her daughter, who moved the phone out in front of her. Onspeakerphone,no less. Who had she called?

“I had to tell you I love my gift. It’s the best. It’sawesome.”