On the way to his house, she tried to convince herself she could do this. It would be okay. Couldn’t she just appreciate his good looks and charming personality without havingfeelings?Note to self: no feelings. Her promise to herself didn’t do anything to quell the sense of impending doom.

Well, not doom. More a vague worry that she was about to make a huge mistake.

Chase opened the door before she could knock only wearing a pair of blue swim trunks. Tana’s heart did a smooth flip. He lookedgood. His body was all taut muscles and creamy swaths of skin that she so didn’t want to taste.

“Hey there. Glad you came back and didn’t chicken out,” Chase said, his teasing grin making her heart race. “Hot tub’s ready.”

“Well, I’m not. I still have to get into my suit.” Tana followed him inside. She ducked into his guest bathroom to change and found her hands were shaking. This wasjusta friendly visit to his hot tub, and nothing else.Nothing.When she came out, she found Chase in the kitchen, leaning against the island. His face lit up when he saw her.

“It’s out on the back deck,” he said, gesturing toward the back door. “Ladies first.”

“No way.” Tana dropped her clothes on a low bench by the back door. “Owners first.”

“Suit yourself.” Chase laughed. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he padded across the deck and stepped into the hot tub. He let out a groan of pleasure. “Water’s perfect. Come on in.” He held out a hand to her.

Tana felt drawn to him by the force of gravity. She crossed the deck, the icy cold against her feet making her move faster. Taking his hand like it wasn’t a big deal, she let him help her down the steps into the welcoming warmth of the water. The heat scalded the bottoms of her cold feet.

Within thirty seconds, the stinging stopped, and she tipped her head back, letting out a little moan. “Okay, you were right. This is good.”

“You’re only in up to your calves,” Chase prompted. “Imagine how it’ll feel when the water’s up to your shoulders.”

He was right a second time—when she sank down into the water it began to dull the lingering aches and pains from her day on the slopes. Tana leaned her head against the headrest, letting the tension go out of her muscles. Something at the core of her unlocked.

“What’s on your mind, Tana?”

She lifted her head and peered at Chase. He was stretched out on the opposite side of the hot tub, muscular arms on full display. The bubbling water obscured his abs, which was a shame. But she could be an arms woman. In fact, she was all in on them now.

Your incredible body.That’s what was on Tana’s mind, not that she’d tell him that. “I’ve been thinking about Lindsey’s ski lessons.” It was a safe topic. “I don’t know if she’s ready for more lessons at the level you’re trying to take her. Maybe you’re moving too fast.”

“We’re still on the bunny slope!” Chase laughed. “She’s improving so much every day. By the end of the season, she’ll be ready for a couple of the easier blue trails.”

Worry twisted through Tana’s gut, kept slightly at bay by the roll and tug of the water.

“That’s the thing. I’m worried Lindsey’s pushing too hard. What if her leg buckles while she’s skiing?”

Chase pushed off from his side of the hot tub and sat next to her. Tana’s skin pulled tight—goosebumps all over even in the hot water. If her hand floated up just so, just now, she’d be touching him, and—

“You know I can watch for that, right?” His eyes met hers, willing her to trust him. “I won’t push her too hard. That’s not the way I teach. You know that. You don’t teach that way either.”

“True.” she agreed. It was hard not to look at Chase’s lips when he was talking. He had full, gorgeous lips, and the memory of how they felt pressed against hers sent a shock of desire down her spine. “But she’s my daughter. I want her to be safe.”

“I want youbothto be safe.” Chase’s eyes flicked down over Tana’s face and toward the neckline of her swimsuit. “And I want you to feel good. About everything.”

Tana moved toward Chase at the same time he moved toward her, the jets rocking them off balance and forcing them closer together. He swept her into his lap in a single effortless move, and Tana straddled him right there in the hot tub. Giving in to the urge, she kissed him.




Chase’s hands slipped up around her waist. She had never been so aware of how thin bathing suits were. Almost nothing separated them except the water and a couple of flimsy layers of fabric.

Tana felt unleashed, wild—she nipped at Chase’s bottom lip and traced his abs with her fingernails. Her hips opened around his, inches of water between the two of them, and then less. His tongue coaxed her mouth open and explored her. Tana’s nipples peaked, hard under the hot water, and desire sped through her, pushed along with every beat of her heart. Oh, it felt good, good, so verygood.

And too much. She could feel herself slipping, falling, sinking into him.

Tana broke the kiss with a gasp and pushed off, floating over to the other side of the hot tub and draping herself over it. A winter breeze soothed her forehead. Was she ever going to catch her breath again? Not likely. Not when Chase was like this. He was trying to help her, quietly, in his own way, without humiliating her. He’d offered ski lessons, his hot tub, and his body.