“Anything,” he said.
“Thing,” said Scott, thrilled to be part of it.
Jonas had just put Rachel’s suitcase in the bedroom when a text came through. He checked his phone screen.
Gabe: Sources say Rachel Alexander just checked in. Is this true?
Jonas: Yes, she’s here. With Scott.
Gabe: We’re all in Gran’s apartment. Waiting for you.
Jonas: Be there soon.
“Rachel,” he said, as solemn as a wedding proposal. “I’d like to introduce you to my family. Formally. Not only as the mother of my child, but as the love of my life.”
She made a face, laughing. “That soundsveryformal.”
He put an arm around her waist and pulled her close, tasting her sweetness while Scott busied himself opening cupboards in the kitchen to investigate. He groaned against her lips, realizing how much he missed her, this, them. When she opened her mouth, he deepened the kiss and she fully melted against him. One hand slid up to cup the back of her neck and her hands slid up his chest, one pressing against his heart and the other holding tight to his shoulder.
He grunted in annoyance when his phone pinged again.
Chase: Tick-tock. Gran is waiting.
Looking at the message, he laughed realizing how much of a pain in the ass, he’s been to his brothers. “It’ll be okay, I promise. Trust me,” he told Rachel.
“I do.”
The three of them made their way back to the lodge to meet up with the family. The scene in his grandmother’s apartment couldn’t have been more different from the night Rachel had left. Grandmother held court in the living room, with Lindsey and Tana on the sofa next to her. Chase and Gabe sat with Anna on another long sofa across from them, the fire crackling in the hearth and big band music playing on her sound system.
“They’re here! Finally,” Gabe called out when they entered the room, his brother standing to shake his hand. Chase joined them.
“Before you go any farther, we have something we need to say,” Chase said, looking at Rachel. “We both owe you a big apology.”
“Huge,” Gabe interjected. “We were absolute asses to you, which you didn’t deserve and should never have happened.”
"Well, this is interesting,” Jonas said just loud enough for them to hear.
“Don’t forget to promise that you will never do something that asinine again,” Anna called out from where she was sitting, and Jonas laughed. Rachel turned to look at Anna, who waved her hand at her. “Girl, make them grovel.”
Rachel frowned and both Gabe and Chase took a small step back and she took a step forward. They continued to move like that, and Jonas noticed a twitch of amusement around her eyes as she fought to keep frowning. Finally his brothers stopped moving and held their breaths as she stepped closer to them.
“Apology accepted.” They both breathed out. “But you both owe me. Huge,” she parroted back at them.
“Mama, down,” Scott demanded, breaking the standoff, and the mood in the room instantly brightened.
She set Scott down and he ran farther into the room, freezing when he saw everyone looking at him. Suddenly shy, he reached for Jonas and wrapped his arms around his leg, peeking out at everyone.
His grandmother held her arms out to Scott. “Are you my great-grandson?” she asked.
The room quieted. “Grandmother,” Jonas said, placing one hand on Rachel’s back and reaching down to put his other hand on Scott’s shoulder. “You’ve already met Rachel, Scott’s mother. And this is Scott, our son.”
“Hi,” Scott said, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter, his expression priceless. Scott ran forward and climbed into his great-grandmother’s lap. The two of them seemed to know each other already, the little boy cuddling into her arms, and the last of the tension unknotted from Jonas’s heart.
“Proud of you, man.” Gabe put a hand on his shoulder. “And we really are sorry that we acted like jackasses, each in our own way.”