“Mama,” called Scott from the bedroom.

Rachel left the room to get him.

Jonas’s heart had never beat so fast or hard in his life. He knew what he was asking for—more time—and the wait for her answer was crushing him. But he’d survive it. What he wouldn’t survive was Rachel and his son leaving him.

She returned in a moment, and once again, he was struck by how gorgeous she was—black hair in a low bun, willowy frame draped in comfortable jeans and a soft shirt, stunning blue eyes. And Scott. Scott was the blond boy Jonas had been when he was a toddler, down to the point of his chin.

“Dada,” Scott said, pointing a chubby baby finger at him.

It melted Jonas’s heart. He didn’t move, not wanting to break the moment. But Rachel crossed the room toward him, and Scott leaned out.

Rachel let out a deep breath, as if coming to a decision. “We could go sledding,” she offered.

Jonas saw the gift in her eyes.Time. Something infinitely more precious than he’d realized.

Thirty minutes later, after a snack for Scott and ten minutes of bundling up, they were outside in the snow. Jonas buckled Scott into one of the children’s sleds from the ski shed. His son laughed, pointing at everything that caught his attention as Jonas pulled him along, Rachel close by his side. Like a family.

They took the same trail he’d taken earlier, up next to the ski hill. Skiers whizzed past on the other side of the trees, the sun catching on the tops of the skis. The path split in two directions toward the top—one going to the peak of the ski run, and the other to the quieter woods.

Rachel went left, and Jonas followed. The only sound in this part of the forest was the sled pressing on fresh snow and the fall of their footsteps. They curved down the side of the hill, gentle twists and turns that made it easy to feel like Jonas had transported them somewhere else entirely—somewhere far from Elk Lodge, away from the pressures of his family and the singing tension between him and Rachel.

“Stop,” she said suddenly, pausing at a rise in the snow that formed a natural landing. From here, they could look out over the untouched part of the resort that was kept intentionally undeveloped. A place where visitors could appreciate a taste of the calm serenity of the wilderness.

Rachel turned her blue eyes on him as the sled came to a stop. She leaned in, rising on tiptoe, and kissed Jonas on the lips. The warmth of her was a pleasant shock out here in the cold, and he kissed her back, relishing her sweetness and her passion and the way she didn’t seem to hold anything back when they kissed.

“Oh,” she said softly and began to pull away.

He pulled her back, a hand on her waist, and this time she melted, falling against him. Rachel made a soft sound in the back of her throat and slipped a gloved hand up the side of his face. Jonas reached up and tugged off the glove. Her skin was a balm against his cheek, and she laughed against his mouth. “My hand’s going to freeze.”

“I won’t let it,” he murmured and bent to kiss her again. He could feel her giving in, feel the distance between them shrinking, and Jonas wanted more than anything to get a second chance. A third chance, he supposed. The second chance had already been in progress since the moment Rachel arrived at Lodge.

“Go,” commanded Scott, his voice high and excited. “Go. Go.” He leaned forward in the sled, screwing up his face in concentration, and Jonas hauled himself bodily away from the kiss and back into the real world. It took incredible energy to put space between himself and Rachel, who was flushed and bright-eyed, her breathing shallow. He handed her the glove, then turned back to Scott.

“We’re going to keep walking,” he said. “For as long as you want.”

“Forever?” Rachel asked, falling in step beside him.

“I thought eventually we could end up at my place,” he said, throwing his hopes out to the universe and to Rachel. “I thought you could stay with me tonight. For one more night, at least.”

Her eyes settled on his, and hope took flight.Please say yes. Please don’t pack up Scott into the car and go.

“One more night,” Rachel agreed.



When they arrived back at Elk Lodge after taking Scott sledding, Jonas tried to say his goodbyes so Rachel could get back to work.

“No,” said Scott, diving for him. “No. No.” He wrestled himself out of Rachel’s arms, and she put him on the floor. His son came over, clinging to Jonas’s leg.

Jonas flicked his eyes to hers, asking a silent question before he picked Scott up. “I could take him to my place while you worked on the album,” he offered. “You could also stay for New Year’s if you wanted.” She knew what he was asking.

Her conversation with Annabeth echoed in Rachel’s mind. Part of this was about trusting Jonas, and she already trusted him with Scott. The rest was learning to trust him for herself and that they could become a team. And itwasmuch harder to work on the photo album when her son demanded her attention. “That sounds good,” she said. “Let me grab the diaper bag. And I’ll think about New Year’s.”

The three of them went up to her suite, and Rachel put some fresh clothes into the bag and handed it over to Jonas. “We’ll see you in a while?” he asked.

“As soon as I’m done with the book.” She hadn’t missed the look of hope in Jonas’s eyes as she kissed Scott’s cheek and ruffled his hair.