Gabe squeezed her hand, sending a delightful heat to warm her cheeks. When was she going to stop having such a crush on him? Probably not during this trip judging by the way things were going so far. Especially not with Jonas and his grandmother sitting in the front row and Gabe in performance mode. All the Christmas cheer made the air almost sweet, and his grin made her want to snuggle closer, not put distance between them the way she should.
“Sleigh rides are a popular attraction with the guests.”
“I can see why. It’s almost magical.”
Gabe laughed, and she pulled out her phone to snap a few pics.
Jonas turned around, his gaze zeroing in on their closeness. “You two lovebirds enjoying yourselves?” There was an edge to his voice that his smile didn’t hide.
“Of course we are.” Anna smiled. She’d never give Jonas any reason to believe she wasn’t Gabe’s real fiancée. Any woman who wanted to marry Gabe would love the resort and everything it had to offer. Besides, the sleigh ride was so quintessentially Christmas that it would be toughnotto enjoy it. “There’s something so romantic about a sleigh ride. Don’t you think?”
The horses pulled them around a bend and back into view of the lodge. Elin put a hand to her mouth. “I’ve lived here a long time, but the sight of that building at Christmastime is one of my favorites and never fails to disappoint.”
The lodge, all dark wood and glowing windows, was a festival of Christmas lights in matching gold tones that made the place look like it was gilded in the dusky evening. Anna lifted her phone, wanting to capture the image and remember this special moment when she was back in her boring Vegas apartment. The last of the sunset bled from the sky in an orange and purple haze as they approached the circular drive, and the sleigh driver reined the horses to a stop out front. Gabe climbed out first, Jonas following close behind. Both men helped the women down from the sleigh.
Gabe’s gloved hand felt big and powerful on hers, and he gave it a gentle squeeze as she stepped down. A smile played over his face, warm and intimate.Is he acting?
“I’m glad you got to come on a sleigh ride with us,” he said. “Maybe one day—”
And then a snowball hit Gabe in the side of the head. His eyes went wide and he turned and ducked, scooping snow from the ground as Elin took Jonas’s arm and headed toward the lodge, laughing as she went. Tana and her daughter Lindsey had launched the attack and Chase was backing them up.
A snowball fight.
Another first. Anna had never been in a snowball fight before, and the snow seemed unwieldy in her hands. She got one ball together and launched it at Chase, who neatly ducked out of the way laughing. Everyone was having fun, their voices echoing high in the clear night.
“Mom, look out!” Lindsey shouted, running to hide behind a giant nutcracker standing at attention.
“Hey, don’t help her,” Chase yelled as he chased a laughing Tana with a snowball before turning to throw it at Gabe.
“Dude, you are so going down.” Gabe threw a snowball back at him.
Jonas came back out of the lodge at a run, scooped up some snow, and made a snowball without stopping. He aimed at her, but Gabe stepped in front, flinging out his arms to save her from the hit.
“Game on, Elkins,” she called out. Tana and Lindsey joined forces with her, packing snowballs and throwing them at the brothers who spread out and were pelting each other more than the girls. It didn’t take long for the cold to seep through Anna’s gloves. They were meant for sleigh rides not wet snow. The chill spread to her body and her teeth started to chatter.
Gabe was the first to notice. “Time out,” he yelled, his voice louder than all the other noise. “Anna’s cold.” He put a hand to the side of her face and looked down into her eyes. “Let’s get you inside.”
“No,” she protested. “I’m good to keep going.”
“You’ll freeze out here.” Gabe slipped an arm around her waist and hustled them both toward the glowing warmth of the lodge. “If there’s anyone more in need of hot chocolate than you, I’d be shocked.”
The lobby bustled with activity—more activity than Anna had expected, but Gabe had eyes for none of it. He led her straight to the gourmet hot chocolate station on a mahogany table at the side of the room, whipping her up a fresh cup of cocoa with surgical precision. She stuffed her wet gloves into her coat pockets to better feel the warmth of the cup.
“Here. Drink this.” The blue in his eyes was more intense now that they were inside, reminding her of Lake Mead. It wasn’t just the hot cocoa that made her blush.
Gabe reached up and stroked a lock of hair away from her forehead. “Should we sit?”
“I’m really okay.” The hot chocolate was smooth and delicious—still delightful, though it was her second cup today. The warmth of his gaze went to her bones, chasing away all the chills. “Shouldn’t we get out there and finish the battle?”
“Not until I’m sure you’re thoroughly recovered from the cold.”
She laughed.Thiswas the Gabe she worked with and admired wholeheartedly. It wouldn’t be so bad to bask in it for a while, would it? Possibility glimmered in the air between them. They could go up to the room and cuddle on the sofa until she was heated from her head to her toes. They could even go in the jacuzzi.
Jonas and Chase, followed by Tana and Lindsey, came into the lobby on a burst of cold, fresh air.
“You’re coming to the gingerbread house competition, right?” Chase clapped a hand on Gabe’s shoulder, and a twinge of disappointment marred the glow of the hot chocolate in her chest. They’d been having a moment together. Moment over. It did, however, explain all the people in the lobby who were making their way into one of the elegant meeting rooms to join the competition.
“I wasn’t done throwing snowballs.” Anna grinned. “But I can hold my own with gingerbread.”