He stuck his hand out to shake hers. “Chase Elkin. Former skier.”

Tana flinched at how cold his hand was. “Ouch. Your hand is freezing. We should get you inside for something warm to drink.”

Chase rubbed his hands as they headed into the lobby. “Just so long as I can get it inside me and not on me.” He gave her side eye, his grin obvious as she gave an exaggerated cringe.

“I’ll be your bodyguard and block any children attempting to dump their hot cocoa on you. It’s much too cold to walk around here without your shirt on.” Her mind immediately shifted over to what he’d look like under his Henley. He was probably ripped in all the right ways, and her cheeks heated in a blush.

Turning her back to him, she busied herself with making two hot cocoas at the drink station, letting the steam from the hot water heat her face before she faced him again. Satisfied, she handed him his cup and watched as he took a sip.

“Thanks.” He wrapped both hands around the cup while she sipped from hers.

“Does that happen often?”

“What? Someone trying to impersonate me?” At her nod, he shook his head. “Nope. At least not in person. And why he thought he could get away with it at my family’s resort?” He laughed. “I’ve no idea how he thought that was a good idea.”

Tana chuckled and looked around. “Do you suppose he’s a guest here? I’d never seen him before but unless he’s one of my students or a parent, I admit that I don’t pay that much attention to the guests.”

“Me either. I’ll check with the front desk to see if they know who he is, but I suspect he won’t have stuck around.”

“Let’s hope not, because, wow. Not that he’s the only one to try to give me advice. I had another guy earlier do a similar thing, only he was a lot pushier about it and then he tried to flirt with me. In front of his kid while his wife was inside. Who does that? And why hire me, if you’re going to have such strong opinions about how I’m doing my job?”

“Sorry about the disgruntled guest.” Chase finished off his drink and tossed the cup. “Want me to have him removed from the premises?”

“No, that won’t be necessary, but I appreciate the offer.” She smiled at him as he gave her a flirtatious look.

“Are you sure? Because rumor has it that I’ve got a bit of sway with the people who run this place and I’d be happy to test that theory.” Chase’s wide smile lit something inside of her. It made her think of adventure and laughing until her stomach hurt and the rush of pushing off the top of a black diamond hill. His eyes held sadness—no surprise, considering what had happened to him. “Is this your first teaching gig?”

“Oh no. When I was in college, I spent my winter breaks working as an instructor.”

"UC in Boulder?”

“The very one. I got my bachelor’s degree in dance, something my mother will never understand. And when there isn’t snow on the ground, I teach dance at a local studio not too far from here, but I’d much rather be on the slopes.”

“Explains your grace on skis, then.”

“Aw, thanks. Wait, when did you see me on the slopes?”

She thought she detected a slight blush working its way across his cheeks. “I was upstairs speaking with my grandmother, and the windows outside her office have a great view of the different runs.”

Well, that’s interesting.Tana felt her watch vibrate and checked the time. “Listen, I’d love to talk more, but I need to get ready for my next class.” The words started out as a courtesy exit, but once she’d said them, she realized they were true. “It was really nice to meet you.”

“It was great to meet you.” His blue eyes traced over hers, and his smile softened. “I’m supposed to help my brother, Jonas, with the selection of our new ski director, so you’ll be seeing me around for the next few weeks, at least. I look forward to seeing you in action.”

“You’re helping? That’s great.” Tana’s voice went up an octave as she spoke, and she quickly excused herself. Walking away, she rubbed her cheeks. Chase Elkin was the hottest guy she’d ever met and he was going to help determine her future? She needed to get her infatuation under control, because there was no way she could keep flirting with her boss even if it was exactly what she wanted to be doing.



Chase’s heart still hadn’t settled into a normal rhythm, and it had been hours since he formally met Tana. He took another sip of hot cocoa and tried to pretend he wasn’t looking for her out on the hills. The lodge’s canteen doubled as a lounge, and its massive windows looked out over the front ski hills of Cardinal Mountain. Other bright red coats came down the slopes with students in tow. The only person he wanted to see was Tana.

Wow.The word still rang in Chase’s head. Tana was, without question, the most stunning woman he had ever seen. Her big brown eyes had warmed him from the inside out, sparking something low in his belly. And that smile? So big and genuine andhot. It didn’t matter that she wore a set of black ski pants and a bright red coat issued to her by the resort—her eyes alone had taken him captive and refused to let go.

Which shouldn’t be happening with an employee at the lodge. Not now, and not ever.

Tana’s red coat appeared at the top of the bunny slope, and he knew instantly from the way she moved that it was her. It made perfect sense that she also taught dance. She seemed to dance even on skis, with grace and confidence and what he was sure was an encouraging smile even if he couldn’t see it from where he sat.

The students around her followed her lead, and they started down the hill. He couldn’t hear what she said, obviously, but he watched as each one vied to be next to her during the descent. They loved her. It was clear that she had skills. She had rapport. And clearly, she made people feel supported. All good skills Elk Lodge’s new ski program director would need. Not that he had any say with the internal applicants, but if she hadn’t applied, he might suggest it.