Tana watched the guy stride toward her as if he owned the place, but she’d never seen him before. “Uh, hi, Ace. Are you looking to sign up for a class?”
The guy chuckled, and it sounded kind of creepy. “You mean, you don’t recognize me? Wow. I might be a bit hurt by that. I’m a professional skier. I was on the US Olympic team? Anyway, if you have a second, I could give you a couple of pointers for your lessons.”
Uh,no.Tana did not have a second to listen to advice on how to do her job from some random guy with sandy curls peeking out from underneath a fitted beanie. Especially one named Ace. Stunned, it took her a bit to figure out a reply without being rude.
“Kids like that girl who headed out in front of you. It’s better to take her down for a few solo runs before class if you can fit it in. Kids with that kind of courage can get away from you. Don’t want that. And I’d practice a few more turns with the rest of the group up top, while you still have time left on the slope. A few of them didn’t look too confident when they got down to the bottom. Build their trust in themselves first.”
Apparently she’d taken too long in her denial. Tana couldn’t believe how ridiculous his speech had become. She lifted her goggles over her head, then pushed back her hood with her free hand, staring at him.Glaringat him.
“I wasn’t asking, mister. If you don’t mind, I need to ensure all of my students are back with their families.” Her answer served double duty. Putting him in his place and getting rid of him. She was not a fan of this man, whoever he was.
His mouth dropped open in shock, as if no one ever dared talk back. Who did he think he was anyway? Before he could respond, someone else interrupted them.
“Hey!” Tana turned to see the guy from earlier that day walking toward them. He had a limp and looked as if the pace he was walking was painful. But he had an easy smile and she couldn’t help but notice the full perfection of his lips. That, with oddly compelling blue eyes, ignited her curiosity. It felt like sitting a foot from the fire in the lodge. The heat only increased the closer he got. She also couldn’t help noticing that he was only wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Wasn’t he cold?
“I’m sorry to interrupt. I wanted to introduce myself properly after this morning’s, er, run-in.” He glanced at the other guy. “I’m Ace. I apologize if I was rude before.”
“Oh,” Tana said, looking back and forth between the two guys. “I’ve never met anyone named Ace before in my life, and today I meet two of you.”
The creepy guy’s mouth opened and closed as if he were a fish, and he began to back away while fumbling in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he sort of waved it around. “Uh, I need to take this. Excuse me.” And then he quickly turned and practically ran away.
“What on earth?”
The other Ace chuckled and the sound made the growing heat inside her blossom. She tugged on her jacket zipper to cool off.
“Did you hear his phone ring?”
“Not even a vibration.” As she said that, one of the parents stepped up to them, giving a shy little wave, the mom’s cheeks pink. Her little boy, Gus, bounced up and down on the balls of his feet beside her.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt your conversation.” The mom’s smile got bigger, her expression not matching the words. She looked almostgiddy.“But my son was wondering if we could get a selfie.”
Ace’s face broke into a thousand-watt smile. “I would be happy to.” He signaled for Gus and his mom to stand closer and Gus held out his phone to Tana.
“Would you mind taking the photo for us, Miss Tana?”
She took the phone and moved back, completely bemused at the turn of events.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Elkin,” Gus’s mother gushed. She couldn’t stop smiling. Gus beamed up at Ace like the sun rose and set on the man who was presently asking what he thought of the bunny slope.
Something clicked into place. He said his name was Ace. Not Ace had said something about the Olympic team. Oh shit!The man was champion skier Chase Elkin. One oftheElkins, as in owners of the lodge. Sammy had spilled his hot cocoa all over a world champion athlete and was the reason he wasn’t wearing something warmer.
Chase, however, seemed completely at ease as he continued to chat with the little boy. Tucking her arm tight against her side, so her hand wouldn’t shake when she took the picture, Tana snapped a few before handing it over to her student’s mom. Putting an arm around Gus, Chase smiled patiently while the mom took several more pictures of Chase and Gus doing funny poses and laughing.
This guy was way too good to be true. Right?
“Thank you so much,” the mom said, giving Gus a gentle push toward the lodge. “We’ve got to go.”
“But mom…”
“Don’t you want to show your dad and brother your pics?”
Thankfully, the little boy agreed and ran off ahead of his mother.
“See you next week, Gus!” Tana called out. She couldn’t keep the laughter out of her voice and decided she didn’t want to. Turning back to the man standing next to her, she stuck out her hand to officially introduce herself. “I’m Tana Birch, ski instructor.”