Some of the tension left Rachel’s shoulders. Jonas was on her team and not against her.
His eyes met hers, and when he spoke again, his voice was soft, but determined. “I care about you.” The words sent a shudder of relief through her. He turned back to his brother. “I genuinely care about her. And I’m trying to see if we can make this work, but you and Chase are making it damn hard with your behavior.”
Gabe sighed, looking down at his shoes.
“Go home, Gabe. This is between Rachel and me.”
Gabe held up both hands, turned on his heel, and left without a word.
Jonas pulled Rachel into the house, shutting the door behind them. They returned to the living room to check on Scott, who was playing with the stuffed elk on the rug.
Rachel ran a hand through her hair. She had never been so hopeful and so terrified by his declaration. “You want us to work out?” she asked.
“I don’t want to pressure you, but I have to be clear—I want you and Scott in my life. I’m sorry that I missed so much of his life already.”
“I’m sorry you did, too.” Hope displaced fear. Maybe therewassomething to this and she could stay. And just maybe, they could build a life together.
“And no matter what my brother said.” Jonas shook his head, brows knitting. “I don’t care about your finances. If you’re having trouble, then what does it matter to me? I want to provide for all of Scott’s needs.” He looked over at their son again, face softening. “I want him to have the best schooling, the best housing, the best of everything. And I can give that to him.” Jonas met her eyes again. “Of course, I want to give that to you, too.”
Oh, no.The best, the best, the best. It reminded her of her mother. It reminded her of Daniel. They’d both wanted the best in life, and Rachel hadn’t been the best. She’d never even come close to measuring up. It hit her like a cymbal crash, loud and startling and still somehow familiar. It was a short distance fromI love youtoI’ll handle everything, because you can’t handle it yourself.
No.Everything in her recoiled from that message. Rachel didn’t want to be cosseted or controlled. She’d made it with her son this far, and she could keep doing it for the rest of her life if necessary. An ache in her throat forced her to swallow, and she straightened her back. If there was really no pressure in his offer, then he would accept it if she left.
“Thank you for that,” she said, as gently as she could. Except the steel in her voice didn’t send the same tone as her words. “I need some time. I’m going to take Scott back to Denver, and I’ll be in contact with you later.”
Jonas’s face drained of color. There was a long silence between them, filled only by the sound of Scott, babbling to the elk. “If that’s what you need, then you’ll have it,” he said finally. “I meant what I said.”
It made her want to kiss him, but she braced herself against that possibility. If she kissed Jonas now, she would never walk out of here. “I think it’s best if we leave now. I was on the last page of the photo album, and your grandmother will love it. I’ll leave everything in my suite.”
Jonas turned and went into the living room. He came back a minute later with the diaper bag over his shoulder with the elk sticking out of the top and Scott in his arms. He hugged his son tightly, and then handed him over to Rachel. “You’ll let me know if you need anything before you go?”
“Of course I will,” she said, the weight of her son in her arms grounding her. But Rachel knew she wouldn’t ask Jonas for anything at all.
Jonas sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, feeling like his brain was on fire. It had all gone so horribly wrong. More like the worst possible scenario, and now, Rachel was gone.
He hated the idea of her out on the highway, driving home with Scott in the dark as she headed back to Denver. He wished she would have waited until morning. She’d made her position clear, and it wasn’t until the front desk called to tell him that she’d left that he went to collect the album she’d been working on and the extra unused photos.
Everything had been stacked in a neat pile on her desk, symbolizing the finality of her decision. A decision that broke his heart.
“You okay?” Gabe asked, entering his office and dropping into one of the chairs across from his desk. “I know she left.”
Jonas tore his eyes from his computer and glared at his brother. “No, I’m not,” he answered. “Any other questions?”
Chase came in next, looking sheepish, and stood behind Gabe’s chair. “Don’t be mad at us too long, Jonas. It’s the holidays.”
“The holidays,” he scoffed. "Is that why you’re both acting this way? What has gotten into you? First, you—” He stabbed a finger at Chase. “Showing up at my house uninvited to question me about somethingpersonal,and then you—” He waved in Gabe’s direction. “Coming after Rachel like that? Yeah, happy holidays.”
“We were only trying to protect you,” Gabe said. “You’ve used that argument a million times over the years, usually to justify your own pain-in-the-ass behavior.”
Jonas saw the truth in his brothers’ eyes. Hehadsaid that to them, usually when he wanted them to go along with his plan for the lodge. Maybe there was a point where he should let go a little more. But he didn’t think now was the time. “I’ve tried to be the best older brother possible for you. I’ve tried to fill our grandfather’s role as the head of the family. Ever since Mom and Dad died—”
“We’reworried,” Chase cut in. “Worried she’s using you or trying to get her hands on your money. We know how hard you’ve been trying since we lost Mom and Dad. I swear we know.” Chase and Gabe shared a glance. “That’s why we’re asking questions. We don’t want you in some situation where you lose what’s important to you and everything you’ve given your life to make a success.”
“She doesn’t want my money,” Jonas insisted. “I offered her money. She wouldn’t take it. Rachel is proud and strong, and if anything, she’s trying to keep her distance from me.” The weight on his chest pressed deeper. Each minute that passed took Rachel farther from him.