In the quiet after the two left, Rachel sat down at her desk and got to work with the photos. The work of arranging them was habitual enough to set her mind free. There really was no reason for her to stay at the resort after she finished, other than the fact Jonas had asked her to stay. Hewantedthem,her, to stay. And if Rachel was truthful, she wanted to stay too.
Once this project was finished, they’d have more breathing room to figure out if there was a path for all of them to move forward. Or should she leave and do what she’d told Annabeth she wanted—negotiate terms from her own home? And if things didn’t work out, Scott wouldn’t see Jonas as often as he deserved to see his father.
It was a tough decision, one she almost wished she didn’t have to make. But it was her choice and her life, and she needed to make that decision based on both her and Scott’s needs. Rachel adjusted the photos in different layouts and chewed at her lip, trying to commit to a decision she could live with. Her heart wanted to stay. That was obvious from the way it fluttered whenever she thought of Jonas, and sleeping next to him, and waking up in his bed. Then there was the way he looked at Scott. Why couldn’t relationships be as easy as working with photos?
A knock at the door made her hand slip on one of the photos, and she hissed, pressing it back into place. “Just a minute,” she called. Rachel took her time making sure the photo was perfect, then went to see who was there.
She pulled the door open to find Jonas’s brother, Gabe, standing in the hall. With his hands in his pockets and a determined set to his jaw, his expression was a good indicator this wasn’t a happy social call. “Hey, Gabe. What can I do for you?”
“You know, I—” He looked away, seeming to gather his thoughts, and when he looked back at her, she was nearly knocked backward by the depth of the suspicion in Gabe’s eyes. “My brother doesn’t normally get involved with people. His entire life has been Elk Lodge.”
“I know that,” she added. “I know how important this place is to him, and his family.”
“Is that what this is about? Family?” He kept his tone even, but Rachel could tell he was carrying a weight. “Listen. I did some digging when Chase told me the truth about your son. I have reason to believe you might be in a bit of a situation financially. Is this about my brother’s money? Because if it is…”
Rachel pressed her lips together tight, the blood draining out of them. Heat spread out across her chest, an angry, humiliated heat. “Iswhatabout his money? The fact that we have a son together?”
“Do you have a son together?” Gabe faced her head-on. “Or is that some kind of deception?”
“It’s not a deception,” she said, wounded. “I met him three years ago, here at the lodge. We had a one-night stand, not that it’s any of your business.”
Gabe had the grace to look ashamed, but he rebounded quickly. “And you didn’t tell him about the child? I just think it would be best if Jonas understood your financial situation before falling headlong into an unpleasant situation.”
Her mind raced with possibilities, and each one had her angrier than the last. “So, you’re going to what, exactly? Give him all the sordid details you got by spying on me?”
“Maybe,” said Gabe hotly.
What the hell was happening? Jonas clearly wasn’t the only bossy Elkin at the resort, and it made her furious that Gabe was blindsiding her like this. And if Jonas had just come clean to his grandmother and his family right away, this entire mess could have been avoided.
Rachel didn’t need this hassle. Not after a lifetime with her mother. Not after her ex. Not after this week with Jonas, which had been unbelievably tumultuous for a photography job. “You know what, Gabe? Come with me. Right now.” Rachel whirled around, letting the door start to shut.
Gabe stopped it with his hand. “Into your room?”
“No,” she snapped. She grabbed her coat from where she’d thrown it on the sofa and put it on.
“Are we going outside to fight?”
“Would you prefer that?” Rachel stalked past Gabe, pulling the door shut with a confident hand. “No, we’re not fighting.” She moved quickly for the stairwell exit, Gabe sticking close behind.
They went through the lobby and out into the crisp chill of the evening. The last light from the sunset was fading, a golden orange in the sky. Gabe didn’t have a coat, not that she cared.
“If you have something to say—”
“I don’t,” she said, her words coming out clipped. They crossed the resort grounds and headed straight for Jonas’s front door. Rachel raised a hand and knocked on the thick wood. “Your brother does.”
“I came to talk to you, not—”The door opened, and Jonas stood there. “Not Jonas,” Gabe finished.
“What’s happening?” Jonas looked from Rachel to Gabe.
Scott came running from the living room, his feet quick on the floor. “Hi,” he chirped, and then he was gone again, his footsteps receding back to the living room.
“Your brother is a jerk,” Rachel burst out. “He came to my room to interrogate me about my personal finances. He questioned my honor. And then I think he tried to threaten me by saying he might tell you about my finances. This is your problem. He’s not my family, and he’s not my brother, thank goodness.” She turned to leave, and Jonas caught her by the elbow. Their eyes locked, the touch moving through her like a song, and her anger cooled—but only a few degrees.
“Wait,” Jonas asked, holding his free hand up. “Wait.” He gave her elbow an affectionate squeeze and released her. Jonas’s gaze snapped to his brother. “What were you thinking?”
“I was worried for you,” Gabe countered, heat rising in his voice. “I didn’t want you to get tricked by someone out to—”
“Out towhat?” Jonas looked horrified. “Get money from me? It doesn’t matter. We have plenty of money. More than enough money for everything. And you thought you were going to pressure Rachel into what, exactly? Leaving? You should never have done that, Gabe. You arewayout of line, especially after your own recent behavior.”