“Youcrossed my mind,” he admitted. “Just in a general way.”

She laughed, flicking her eyes to the ceiling.

Jonas focused on the food, trying to push away his desirous thoughts. He couldn’t ask her to move in with him. And he couldn’t suggest that they explore this new configuration of their relationship. They didn’t really have a relationship, for one thing, and for another, she was still on the defensive. And a few plates of spaghetti weren’t going to get them past that. He had to take it slow. Like cooking. Food preparation couldn’t be rushed. Neither could trust between two people.

The timer rang for the meatballs, and he grabbed an oven mitt, pulling them out. Jonas tipped them into a pot of sauce and stirred.

Rachel leaned in and took a deep breath. “It smells so good. Where did you learn to make meatballs like this? The chef?”

“Well,achef. Just not ours. Don’t suppose you’ve heard of Chef Chris?”

Rachel’s eyebrows shot up. “Who hasn’t. He’s the hottest chef on TV right now. Don’t tell me you binge-watch his shows?”

Jonas laughed at that. “Oh he’d love it if I ever told him that. No, he used to come here with his family and we all became friends. That friendship has continued through the years. His cousins are also in the hotel business, so it’s good to have someone else to talk to at times.”

“Wait.TheDentons?” Jonas nodded and she shook her head laughing. “Of course, you know them. That’s great. I stayed at their Seattle location. We had a suite that overlooked Puget Sound. It was gorgeous.”

“I’ve been to that one too and I agree.”

“So these meatballs are one of his recipes?”

“Well…” Jonas paused and gave her what he hoped was a conspiratorial look. “It started out that way, but a couple times, I didn’t have all the ingredients, so I just winged it and decided I liked my way better. We’ll be dining on a modified version of his recipe and if you ask me, it’s better than his.”

She tipped her head back and laughed.

Their eyes caught and held and he wanted to breathe her in. She looked beautiful standing there in his kitchen and he wanted to remember this moment forever.

“All right, Scott.” Rachel looked away, breaking the spell. “Let’s set the table for daddy.”


One word that managed to hook his heart, tugging him as close as he could get to the two of them. Jonas cleared his throat. “Plates are next to the fridge,” he said, trying to regain composure.

Rachel reached the cupboard as easily as if she’d lived there for months. Or years. “Silverware down below. And cups—”

“Found them,” Rachel sang out, holding one up.

She and Scott went back and forth to the table until there were three place settings, one nudged closer to Rachel’s so she could feed Scott from her lap. A highchair and a crib would be the next items on his shopping list. But for tonight, they could take turns helping Scott, so they could both eat. It would be their first meal together, just the three of them.

“Sauce is ready.” Jonas was firmly resolved to live inthismoment instead of fantasizing about the future. Rachel had agreed to stay for dinner, giving him a few extra hours with his son and her. And for this moment, he’d make it enough.



The dinner lasted longer than she expected, and Rachel loved it.

Scott had eaten so much that he’d been covered in sauce, in his hair, and in his ears, and everywhere. She’d given him a bath in Jonas’s huge tub and put him in PJs from the diaper bag. Not long after, he’d fallen asleep on the sofa. The two of them stood over his sleeping form, watching the rise and fall of his chest as he took even breaths.

“I hate to move him,” Rachel said in a low voice. It was cold outside, and she didn’t love the thought of waking him so soon after he’d fallen asleep.

“Don’t, then,” Jonas said. “Have a glass of wine with me.”

“I shouldn’t,” she whispered.

“But you want to. Admit it.” Jonas kept his voice low, mindful of Scott. “If it’s a matter of getting back to the lodge, I’ll drive you when you’re ready.”

“After wine?” She reached out and pushed him lightly on the shoulder with her fingertips.