“Agreement?” Taylor’s frown deepened, and she leaned forward, voice lowered. “This really is a business deal then.”

“Of course it is.” I scowled back. “I’m not an idiot. He signed contracts drawn up by my lawyers and everything.”

“Wow. How romantic. Not.” Taylor sat back and fiddled with the scissors in her hand. “Your cousin’s a real piece of work. I’ve seen him on TV just about every day since you’ve been here in the US, touting some new initiative he wants to put in place once he’s in charge. Something about immigration and closing the borders. Oh, and removing the military base.”

“And that’s exactly why I need this baby. Silvester is awful. There’s no way I can let him run my country. He’ll destroy all the progress my father has made and have us bankrupt with no valuable alliances left within a year. He’s a narcissistic, attention-seeking idiot.” I forced my tense shoulders to relax. “I’ll be a good mother, too. I will.”

“I know you will, sweetie.” Taylor sighed. “The best. That’s not what I’m worried about. Although if you do get knocked up, we may have to adjust your wardrobe choices accordingly.”

Grateful for the distraction, we began going through the catalog of designer fashions for my upcoming events. My stipend for clothing and styling was part of my annual salary from the palace since I represented my people and country. We picked out several gowns, day-wear suits and dresses, even a couple of cocktail frocks that would be flattering even if I put on a bit of baby weight during the holiday season. Once we’d finished, Taylor took the catalog from me and set it aside so she could finish my hair.

“Does your cousin know what you’re up to while you’re here in the States?” Taylor asked as she snipped some longer layers around my face. “Can’t imagine what a nightmare it must be for you having him hold down the fort at home while you’re gone.”

“It’s not pleasant, that’s true.” I exhaled slowly and closed my eyes as Taylor trimmed my bangs. “We’re here until my father’s well enough to fly home though, so there’s not much I can do. His physicians are telling me they hope he’ll be ready within the next few weeks, but it all depends. He’s so sick, Taylor. And it’s so hard.” I bit back a sob and my friend gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze in support. “I know he’s not immortal, but he’s my last living parent.”

“I know, sweetie.” Taylor set her shears aside and sprayed some styling cream into her hands, rubbing them together before raking her fingers through my damp hair. “I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. But you know I’m here for you. Whatever you need whenever you need it. You just call and I’m there, husband and kids in tow if need be. Understand?”

I nodded, not trusting my voice. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. That’s what friends do for each other.”

We exchanged a look in the mirror, years of friendship and trust conveyed in our locked gazes.

Taylor smiled and reached over to grab her hairdryer and a round brush. “Okay, so before I start your blowout, tell me who it is.”

The information ricocheted inside me like a pinball, and I needed to get it out, at least to someone. I crooked my finger for the stylist to lean closer, then whispered Z’s name in her ear.

“Right.” Taylor clicked on the hairdryer and its loud white-noise whirr filled the air. She worked fast, smoothing my damp locks into shiny perfection. By the time she was done, her Cheshire-cat grin was huge. “Good job.”

I knew she wasn’t talking about the hairstyle. “What?”

“On your choice of…partners. He’s handsome as hell. You guys will make beautiful babies together.”

“That’s not the point.” Though I had to admit I’d thought of little else since last night. I couldn’t help wondering if our child would have Z’s blond hair and my hazel eyes or my chestnut brown curls and Z’s bright blue gaze. “The point is, he’s smart and healthy and should be able to give me the heir I so desperately need. I checked his files, and all his pre-employment physical results came back excellent. He’s also someone I can trust to hold up his end of the deal and not try for a power grab.”

“Well, aren’t you just Little Miss Efficient? Close your eyes again for a sec.” Taylor spritzed around my head with an herbal-smelling spray, then stepped back to admire her work.

“When it comes to my country, I can’t afford to leave anything to chance.”

“What about love?”

“What about it?” I took the mirror Taylor handed to me, then checked my new ’do from all angles as Taylor slowly turned the chair for me. “This looks great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Taylor gave me an assessing look. “I know you’ll love your kid. But what about his or her father? I know you, and it will be hard for you to keep your heart out of the equation. Sex is more than just two bodies coming together, or at least it should be.”

“This time it’s not.” I pushed to my feet and brushed a hand down the front of my slacks and pink long-sleeved sweater. The weather outside was still warm, but the breeze was crisp and cool. A harbinger of things to come. “Like I said, we signed a contract, dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s. No hearts or emotions involved. This is strictly to save my throne and get him back on his SEAL team where he belongs. Nothing more. When it’s all over, we’ll part ways and happily go back to our separate lives.”

“Okay. Sure.” Taylor walked with me to the front door where Z waited outside the salon’s entrance. Through the glass, I caught sight of Z’s broad back, and my stupid knees wobbled again. My fingertips tingled, remembering the feel of his smooth skin beneath my touch, the ripple of his muscles as he thrust into me, bringing me to climax. The closeness of him staying inside me after we were done, his warm breath fanning my breasts as he rested atop me, sated and sleepy. Then he’d spooned me afterward and made me feel safe and secure, even though the rest of my world was falling apart.

I’d fallen asleep that way. When I’d opened my eyes this morning, I’d been in my bed and he’d been gone. I had no idea when he’d left. This was the first time I’d seen him post-sex, and the effect was far more potent than I’d expected. Despite my wishes and words to the contrary, a bond had formed between us, however tenuous and tiny. I touched my stomach again without thinking, and as if sensing my presence, Z glanced over his shoulder at me.

His blue gaze warmed slightly, dropping to where my hand lay on my abdomen before returning to my eyes. He looked away fast, but not before I caught the flickering emotions in his expression—wariness, want, and a hint of wonder. All the same things I felt.

I kissed my friend goodbye, with a promise to meet up for coffee later, then held the door while she walked outside to the taxi waiting near the curb.

Z avoided all eye contact with me as he stepped back inside the townhouse, and I began to worry that perhaps I’d disappointed him somehow. Maybe he didn’t like the way I looked after my appointment. Maybe he’d somehow guessed that I’d shared my plans with Taylor. Maybe he’d found me bad in bed. My other boyfriends certainly had never raved about my sexual prowess.

All of these doubts stewed in my head as I walked behind him down the hall, doing my best to ignore his taut, perfect backside in those suit pants and the delectable, spicy-citrus smell of his cologne.