Page 3 of Falling for Hailey

I clinked my longneck bottle against his, “Here, here,” I said. “Don’t fall for any students. That’s what put the nail in their coffins.”

“If you see an attractive woman in one of your classes, pretend she has a beard and collects weird ceramic gnomes,” Aaron advised. “And never make eye contact. Otherwise, you’ll be the next casualty.”

“Not me, man,” I said. “I’ve been avoiding that noose for years. I’ve got no time to settle down.”

“Amen, brother. We gotta look out for each other now; it’s just the two of us,” he said.

We finished another round and left. I went back to my empty place and reminded myself that I liked it. Peace and quiet and nobody to answer to. I had everything I needed. Professional success, a chance to give back to the community by teaching at Berkeley, good friends, pride in the fact that I was able to retire my hard-working immigrant parents by the time I was twenty-two and support them in comfort. What else could I possibly want?



My marketing seminar was packed. The lecture hall was enormous and although it was still ten minutes before class was scheduled to begin, there were hardly any empty seats left. I managed to slip into the middle of a row about halfway up, comfortable in the relative anonymity. It wasn’t quite the back of the class like I’d planned, but there was enough of a crowd for me to feel confident that Rick wouldn’t recognize me.

Obviously, my bestie didn’t know that I’d had the hots for her big brother for as long as I could remember. She’d lose her mind and tease me forever. I would never be able to live it down.

When he walked in and flipped on the projector, my plans to keep my eyes on my notes went straight to hell. He was even hotter than the last time I saw him. He had on a black button-down with the sleeves rolled up to reveal tanned forearms. His tie was abstract, artistic looking, and it was loosened so his collar could be unbuttoned. His hair was shorter and he seemed even broader than before if that were possible. He must spend as much time in the gym as he did at work and the university.

I made myself blink and started taking notes furiously. Even though I had been emailed a copy of the syllabus he was discussing, I wrote down what he said as if every detail counted. It was better than undressing him with my eyes. Instead of the usual intro to class, he launched into the first two chapters of our textbook—which he wrote. A bestselling guide to beginning marketing and brand building. I had read it before, but now I took down his commentary, every anecdote, every clarification he spoke about.

I fished my phone out of my pocket to check the time. We only had a couple of minutes left. I could safely start putting away my things and get ready to leave—if he’d stop talking. He was going to be one of those professors—the ones who talked right up to the bitter end. Sighing, I underlined the assignment he’d just given for the next class meeting. My phone, set to silent, flashed with Maria’s number.

I tapped the screen to view the message she sent me:

Did my bro put you to sleep?

I grinned and shook my head, hastily tapping out a reply:No, he’s just got a lot to say.

Is he as boring in class as he is at home?she asked. I looked around furtively to see if anyone noticed I was texting. The girl beside me was looking at me, but class was going on and there was enough of a crowd I felt safe in replying.

I sent a nerdy emoji with glasses and an overbite with,I’m a marketing geek. I love this stuff.

She immediately fired off a line of ten snoring emojis with the line of z’s trailing from their sleeping yellow faces. I laughed before I could stop myself, and then tried to turn it into a cough, realizing I’d been louder than I expected.

My eyes flicked up and met Rick’s. He was looking right at me, recognition and irritation on his face. Crap. People were legit turned around looking at me like this was fourth grade and I just puked on my desk or something. I stared at my lap, embarrassed.Nothing to see here, people, move along, I thought, willing them to quit looking. At long last, he dismissed the class and there was the relief of everyone rustling and moving about gathering their things and filing out the door.

“Ms. Thomas,” I heard Rick say, his tone stern and not at all friendly. I indulged in a little groan under my breath. Shit. So much for flying under the radar. I might wring his baby sister’s neck later for making me laugh and getting me in trouble, if that didn’t sound so damn childish.

I made my way down front and stood, wishing the floor would swallow me up. “Yes?” I said, refusing to utter ‘sir’ to try and kiss up. I was texting during class and laughed out loud when he wasn’t being remotely funny up at the front of the room. Might as well take my punishment.

“I’m aware that you may have more entertaining things to do than pay attention in my class. Don’t think that because you’re my sister’s friend that you can skate by in my course. You’ll have to take it seriously if you intend to pass.”

“It won’t happen again,” I said stiffly, and walked out, embarrassed.

I never wanted to go back in that room.



Annoyed at being interrupted, I glanced up from my computer screen, ready to rip somebody a new one. The proposal had to be flawless, or I wouldn’t be able to land the account. It was very hush-hush; a major household goods brand was scouting for new representation on the downlow. If I had a polished presentation and complete campaign proposal at the ready, it would increase our revenue by eight figures. That meant bigger bonuses for my staff. That meant more scholarships funded for first-gen Americans to go to college, more ESL tutors provided at the secondary level for low-income schools that couldn’t afford enough support for new students who were limited English proficient. I could practically convert the proposal into the exact number of kids who would be helped by the increased revenue to my company.

And whoever had the balls to interrupt me when I’d left strict orders with my secretary that I wasn’t to be disturbed was about to walk out with their tail between their legs.

“What?” I barked.

“Your lunch,mi hermano mejor,” Maria's voice came.