Page 12 of Falling for Hailey

“Maybe they don’t deserve the effort,” he said darkly, and I got some kind of shiver that started at my spine from the thrilling, almost protective way he said it. The man, I swear, he would be the death of me, looking at me with that intensity. Like I was something precious. I looked away because I had to, because I liked him and wanted him, and it was all kinds of wrong.

I helped Mrs. Esperanza clear the table and then went to the bathroom. When I opened the door to step out, Rick was right there. Startled, I jumped back. He touched my arm.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I’ve been trying to get them to give up this place and let me get them a bigger house, but they’re sentimental. Even if it means only having one bathroom and a hall so narrow their son barely fits,” he said ruefully.

“That’s very sweet. I’d love to be able to do that for my mom someday, get her a nice place to live,” I said honestly.

“You will. If you keep working like I’ve seen you do in class, you’re going to go far in your career. I’m sure of it,” he said.

I was blown away by that kind of praise, especially from him, from the professor who thought if we couldn’t take the heat we should go work in fast food. The warmth in his voice, the weight of his focus on me and his dark, beautiful eyes. His opinion meant so much to me, as one of my heroes, and to know he thought that of me, that I had great potential and I was on the right track, was such a gift.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me,” I said softly.

The wood paneled hallway was narrow, and Rick filled it with his broad shoulders, his height and the force of his personality, his magnetic energy. You couldn’t call him charming; he was too exacting for that—too tough and demanding—but I was drawn to him, his intensity and charisma.

I had never dreamed in my years of watching his TED talk that he’d ever look right at me and say something so complimentary about my work. It was heady and unbelievable. I was so happy all the rest of the evening just from those words he’d spoken to me. Even when we played Monopoly and he beat everyone, hoarding the properties and trash-talking us all the way. Maria threw her play money at him and was scolded by her dad, and everyone laughed.

When we left, I thanked them for having me and followed Maria’s lead as she hugged first her dad, then her mom, and then her brother. I hugged her parents and when I got to Rick, I hung back, hesitated, and then offered him my hand. He took my hand in his, and covered it with his other hand, holding mine. “It was good to see you, Hailey,” he said.

I nodded shyly, too consumed by the heat, the wild, breathless lashing of pleasure rolling through my body from his clasp of my hand. His hands were big, swallowing mine completely, and seeming to consume me, my fingers in his palm and I could feel the strength in his muscular hands, the roughness of the skin that would feel so alive and erotic on my bare flesh that I couldn’t even swallow once I thought of it.

I wanted him to kiss my hand, like men in tuxedos did in old movies, wanted the press of his hot mouth on my skin and the promise of something more. The way that hand kissing had always been gentlemanly, romantic, but also seemed private and sensual to me. If he had kissed my hand, I would have probably fainted dead away on his parents’ porch. No one kissed anybody’s hand, not in real life, it would be too weird and out of place. It was one more wrong thing that I wanted from him.

One more thing I could never have.



“What’s up?” Regina asked.

I looked up from my monitor and saw that the computer had gone to the screen saver. I had been inactive for so long that my work had taken a digital nap. I blinked and wondered how long I’d zoned out.

“What do you mean?” I asked my assistant.

“I mean you’ve had your head in the clouds the last few days. You haven’t threatened to fire anyone or suggested they go get a job working a cash register at a convenience store. You didn’t even say anything when the intern who brought your coffee put cream in it. Something’s up with you, boss.”

I frowned at her and then looked at my untouched cup of coffee that had gone cold in my forgetfulness. It was pale with cream, which I never took. Something was definitely wrong because I prided myself on being a stickler for detail, for accuracy, for effort. Here I was letting mistakes slide and just—daydreaming in my office. Frustrated with myself, I shook my head.

“Must be coming down with something. I need some vitamins,” I said, trying to sound grouchy and demanding, when I just wanted her to leave me alone.

“Vitamins are in your second desk drawer on the left, Rick,” she said. “Do you want elderberry syrup or Echinacea or something else?”

“No. I also don’t want you to grind up bark and rub it on my head, Jesus, Regina, why would I want that homeopathic crap?” I said, exasperated. She grinned.

“There’s the boss I know and love,” Regina commented. “Now check your email and look alive. Maybe take a couple of ibuprofen and have some caffeine. I’ll get you a black coffee.”

“Thanks,” I said. “You’re the best.”

“I know,” she said and laughed. “I don’t like seeing you this way, out of touch. Get some extra sleep tonight. Come in tomorrow acting like yourself, okay?”

“Aw, you were worried about me,” I said sardonically. “That’s so sweet.”

“Right. I don’t want you to be in here having a stroke and then there’s nobody to sign my paycheck,” she snarked back and I shook my head.

Regina was good at her job, and she was the only person in the office who could talk to me like she did.

The fact was, my assistant had been right. My head was in the clouds. Or more specifically, my mind wasn’t on my work. It was on Hailey, a student I should not think of unless I was grading her work or answering her question in class. There was no room for me to have personal feelings about her, or to admire her intelligence and warmth and humor, or to feel the crackle of energy and excitement when we were bantering at my parents’ house over tamales. The zing of her wit and how she kept pace with me, how she grinned and enjoyed giving it right back to me and teasing me—everything about her was tempting as hell.