“Exactly. Have fun, but keep that in mind.” She stands. “Gotta go. Some dipshit is coming in with his classic car. You know how men get with their toys. Then they get a load of me under the hood and really lose their shit, ‘cause they think I don’t know what I’m doing. Little do they know, I’m the best of the motherfuckers.”
I was on such a high last night, but she’s right: the pumpkin smashed to little bitty pieces, leaving me in a heap of a mess.
“Where were you?”
I drop my keys on the kitchen counter and look up. “I was out. I don’t owe you an explanation. You never ask where I spend the nights when I’m not here. Why now?”
“You went on a date with her?” She plants her hands on her hips. “You’re dating, and we’re still married.”
“How would you know? Are you following me?” Seriously, is she?
“This town isn’t that big, Landon. There’s a good chance if my husband is on a date, someone will see, and think it’s in my best interest to know so I can divorce your cheating ass!”
“I’m not cheating on you, Bree. I hope you told the helpful person with all the information how I caught you banging the maintenance man in my own house. While you were at it, I hope you told them to mind their fucking business because we’re getting a divorce.”
“Why on earth would I do that? At least someone cares enough about my feelings to warn me my husband is running around town with his son’s best friend’s mother, making me look like a clueless fool.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear it like that. I’m not the one who is going to make us the spectacle of the town when they spot bullshit they know nothing about, and you say nothing to correct it. If you don’t, it’s mostly going to hurt our son.”
“Precisely. What about Jackson? I don’t think he bargained for his father hooking up with his best friend’s mother, and her destroying his family.”
“She’s not—she didn’t do anything. Don’t go there. Don’t make this into what it’s not, Bree. If you do, you’re going to be playing a dangerous game, with no winners. So here’s my truth—I’m seeing her.”
She shakes her head. “You can’t. Not with her. What, are you going to make the perfect family with her kid and my son? Are you going to show up at school functions while everyone is whispering behind my back like I’m a pathetic mess? Fuck you, if you think I’m going to stand quietly by and let that happen to me.”
My composure slips a notch. I fold my keys in my hand, making sharp metal sink into my skin to stave off lashing out, giving her the angry scene she wants. Still, my words come out harsher than I expect. “Your permission is not needed for me to move the fuck on with my life. I’m not running a damn thing past you. However, I will extend the courtesy to let you know what’s going on in my life if it might concern you.”
“You can do what you want. You are not going to do it with myson.”
“Our son!” I bark, anger streaking through me at the implied threat.
“Keep your goddamn voice down before he hears you.”
“Not that it’s any of your business who I decide to spend time with, but I’m not trying to take him away from you to create a new family. I would never do that. Get a fucking grip, Bree, before you mess him up more than you already have with your service man fantasy or whatever bullshit it was.”
“Fuck you, Landon, get out. Go back to where you’ve been and really want to be.”
“First I’m going to see my son.”
She moves into my way shaking her head. “Stop seeing her.”
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I try to grab hold of my anger. God, it doesn’t have to be this way, but if she takes it down this route she better be prepared to follow through. “I don’t think you want to go down this route, Bree. Don’t draw lines you can’t erase. I’m going to cross every single one of them where my son is concerned. You are not going to like the outcome, or what I’m prepared to do for him.”
“You’ve come to threats now, Landon?”
“It’s more than that.” I make sure she gets exactly what I’m saying before walking around her up to Jackson’s room.
I walk in, and he’s lying on his bed with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.
“Whatcha doing?” I ask, sitting by his legs.
“Just thinking.”
“Sounds intense for a kid your age. Something you want to talk about? You know you can ask me anything, right?”
He smiles, nodding his head, offering nothing else. His mom and I separating can’t be easy on him, with all the other things going on too. A lot of changes. Obviously, his mom’s not handling it well. I can only imagine what’s going through his mind. I’m thinking maybe Lacey and I spending more time together would benefit him. He’ll have Jacob to hang with. Take his mind off of things going on here and between me and his mom.
“Hey, bud?”