She groaned as she settled in the armchair. “How could I? You even brushed my hair and nearly spoon-fed me breakfast!”

A pleasant wave rose inside him over the sweet memory. Her hair had smelled of her lavender shampoo, and he’d forever associate that scent with her now. But then he cringed. “Yeah, after I burned the toast and we had to air out the apartment.” Was it his imagination, or was there still a tinge of smoke? “But the omelet was good. I hope. Would you like something to drink? I can make fresh orange juice.”

Her lips rose further as if she enjoyed someone fussing over her despite protesting. “The omelet was excellent. You underestimated your cooking skills. And no need to make fresh juice. I literally lived on bread and water for a long time. I’m not spoiled.”

Yet hewantedto spoil her. “Apple juice then? Maybe with chocolate cheesecake? And while I’m beingunbearablybossy, how about I clean your wound and change your bandage?”

“Stop fussing over me! Kennedy volunteered to change my bandage, and so did Austin.”

He raised his hands in a placating gesture. “I know my veterinarian brother has much more experience with cleaning all kinds of wounds, and Kennedy is your good friend.” What a small world indeed. Rachel turned out to be friends with his sister-in-law. “But I’m already here.”

“You’re already here,” she echoed, and the expression in her hazel eyes changed from playfully rebellious to unreadable.

He took it for a yes, so he fetched her glasses of apple and orange juice with a plate of cheesecake. Once she finished the orange juice and cheesecake, claiming it was a delicious pairing, he brought antiseptic soap, antibiotic cream, bandages, towels, and a pan with warm water.

“By the way, I never said you’reunbearable. It’s the opposite.” She took off her sling with caution.

“I’m bearable?” He grinned at her, despite how his stomach dropped as he started unwrapping the bandages. If that bullet had gone a little to the left... He shuddered. He didn’t even want to think that way.

“You’re more than that.” She drained her apple juice glass fast despite not wanting it earlier, then placed it on the small, well-loved table with a few scratches. “You’ve been wonderful, and that’s a problem.”

Why would that be a problem? But his heart started beating faster at her compliment. He forced himself to concentrate on his task, not on the amazing way she made him feel. Well, amazing with a side of worried.

She flinched as he peeled away the gauze stuck to her skin.

“Sorry,” he muttered, wishing he had some of Austin’s medical knowledge but applied to humans. “It’s pink. That means it’s healthy, right?”Right?

“Right. If there was an infection, it’d be bright red, and there’d be pus oozing.”

He swallowed hard, doubly grateful to see no pus. He cleaned the wound as gently as he could. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No. I just hopeIwon’t hurt you,” her voice was quiet.

He looked up from his task and nearly shifted back at the sadness in her eyes. “Is that about the conversation you wanted to have yesterday?”


“Let me finish this first.” He was prolonging the inevitable, but he wanted several more minutes in her presence when things between them were still possible. Plus, he wanted to do this wound dressing right.

He applied ointment and then bandaged her arm. Every time he touched her smooth skin, his entire being reacted. But then, his entire being reacted when he simply breathed the same air as she did. “Not too tight? I’d like to make sure the bandage doesn’t fall off, but I don’t want it to hurt you.”

“No. Thank you for doing this.”

“It’s the least I can do, considering you got shot because of me.” Man, that fact hurt. Grinding his teeth, he discarded soiled bandages in a biohazard bag and replaced the supplies in the first aid kit.

She grimaced. “Stop saying that. And please take a seat.” She looked away as if she couldn’t look him in the eyes.

Uh-oh. His whole body stiffened in preparation as he sat in the oak side chair. “I’m listening.”

“If after hearing this you never want to speak to me again, I’ll understand.” Based on the movement of her neck, she swallowed.

His stomach dipped. He didn’t like that beginning at all. “What’s going on?”

“I–I hope you won’t think I betrayed you.” She finally looked him in the eyes, and the level of hurt in hers blasted him so hard he nearly moved back.

His stomach dropped further, all the way to the shampooed carpet. The flashback of a deep-seated betrayal from his first love made him flinch.

“What’s going on?” he asked again when Rachel kept quiet. His mind already drew him the worst-case scenarios. “What did you do?” Part of him became as empty as her glass.