Page 54 of Damaged King

“Based on your answers, you might have been exposed to the virus.”

“How?” I questioned.

“Your grandmother.”

“But she had pneumonia.”

“That’s one of the results of the virus. We don’t know if she had it, but it’s best to err on the side of caution. Do you have somewhere you can go?”

Even if Gran didn’t have it, I’d been on a flight with hundreds of people. I’d stayed in a hotel and been through two busy airports. I couldn’t risk bringing the virus to her or my mother if I’d been exposed. Staying with my father was also not an option.

“I don’t want to be alone,” I said, not realizing I’d spoken the thought.

A familiar hand covered mine. “You can stay with me at my cabin.”

I lifted my head and found Grant’s eyes on me as he gave my hand a little squeeze. I thought about how horrible I’d been to him. Yet, there he was again, rescuing me. I couldn’t stop the relief I felt as the agent gave us further instructions and had us fill out paperwork.



Jolie’s shell-shockedappearance was the reason I gave myself for reaching out and taking her hand as I drove toward Maryland.

When she didn’t protest, I took it for a good sign, especially since my hand was still chilled from removing the snow that had accumulated while my truck had been parked in the lot.

“It’ll be okay,” I offered.

Her stare was blank when she said, “I hope so.”

But hope appeared to be wiped clean from her thoughts.

“Are you hungry?”

She turned in my direction, but I had to keep my eyes on the road.

“They said we couldn’t be around people.”

“I’m pretty sure a drive-thru doesn’t count,” I said, chuckling.

When she didn’t laugh, I glanced at her from the corner of my eye.

“What about your dad?” she asked.

“I texted him. He’s going to stock up the cabin with food so we won’t have to go out.”

“Where will he stay?” she asked.

“He has a house in town. He’ll be close to people and shops.”

“What about the airpark?”

“I don’t think people are flying right now. But he’ll figure it out.”

“Will you?” she asked.

“Will I what?”
