Page 40 of Damaged King

I reached for the patience I didn’t feel. “FAA rules trump you being part owner of this airline.”

“Fine. I just want to talk to my boyfriend.”

I almost bit my tongue, shoving it against my teeth to keep me from saying my initial response. “If you tell me, I’ll pass him a message for you.”

She stared at me several seconds before speaking. “Tell him I have a car for us to ride to the hotel when we arrive.”

“I will.”

She glared at me a moment longer as if in warning before walking away. Though it made me ill to think of my sister with the guy I thought there might have been a connection with, I would pass on her message. His reaction would be telling for sure.

I finished making coffee and poured two cups of hot water for tea before I took the tray and knocked on the cockpit door.

Grant opened it and I quickly glanced toward Cal. “Coffee or tea?” I asked.

Cal lifted a hand and Grant turned so I could step in. The area was too small for me not to brush against him, which I tried to ignore.

I’d equipped the tray with all the fixings like tea bags, sugar, and shot glasses of milk.

“Thanks, Jo,” Cal said.

I had to turn carefully, as I didn’t want to spill anything on Cal or the flight instruments. Grant was still standing there.

“Would you like a cup?”

Our eyes held, but I couldn’t read him. His expression was blank as he continued to stare at me. When he moved, I shivered, but still I managed to keep the tray steady as he took a cup of coffee.

His eyes never left mine, leaving burning questions in my soul. I couldn’t reconcile that gaze with a man burdened with a girlfriend.

When his next word left his mouth, it was like a lightning bolt.


The shock sent me moving because I was rattled to my core. There was an undeniable intenseness between us. Was it attraction or hate?

He’d almost closed the door between us when I remembered the message I was supposed to give him.

“Your girlfriend wanted me to tell you that she’s arranged transportation for the two of you to the hotel once we arrive in Dubai.”

The door was mere inches from being closed and his face was nearly hidden. But I caught the narrowing of his eyes before I turned away.

“What was that about?” Jack asked. “I felt the heat between you all the way over here.”

My nemesis arrived as if she’d been watching from her seat, waiting to pounce.

“Did you tell him?” she asked. I nodded. “What did he say?”

“Nothing,” I said and moved toward the first-class cabin to begin taking meal orders.

When I delivered dinner to Cal and Grant, Cal had been the one to answer the door. I tried not to be disappointed. It was as if Cal was onto me. He’d given me their orders and he stood blocking my view of the other man.

If I wasn’t one hundred percent sure Cal wasn’t interested, I might have been mistakenly confused by his protective actions.

His statement when I returned to clear out their dishes was baffling.

“You’re a great girl, Jo. One guy will be the luckiest guy on the planet to get you, but he won’t deserve you.”

I stood there blinking and trying not to cry. I was so stunned, I couldn’t utter a proper thank you before once again I was left on the other side of the door.