Page 32 of Damaged King

“She probably already has a drink in her hands,” Andrew finished.

“I don’t know.” A part of me wanted to bolt. The other part wanted to talk to the only other family I’d met on my mother’s side.

“Please,” they said in unison.

“You can stay in the pool house,” Andrew said.

“Mother’s never out there in the winter,” his twin said.

“She’ll never know.”

“What about your dad?” I asked.

“He’s gone out of town for a few days,” Alex said.

“Another reason for Mom to drink,” Andrew added.

“And we really want to get to know you,” the first said.

“I’m sure you have questions for us too,” said the second.

It was probably a bad idea, but it could be the last time I saw them for years.

“Okay, let me get my bag.”

The twins rushed up and keyed in a code at the keypad and the gate opened. I grabbed my things and left my truck parallel parked on the road and hoped for the best. When I returned a minute later, they eagerly awaited me.

I followed them on a path around the house and not through it. In the back was a large, covered inground pool with what was probably a rock waterfall behind it. Off to the side was a house fit for normal people, unlike the mansion it was behind. A single door was flanked by two large windows on either side. It was bigger than my cabin.

They peppered me with questions the entire way.

“What is your last name?”

“King,” I said.

“Do you live in Maryland?”

“Yes,” I said.

When we got in the house, Alex asked if I flew planes.

“Yes. Did your dad tell you that?”

Andrew answered, “He said your dad did. So we thought you might too.”

“Will you teach us?” Alex asked, continuing their back and forth.


When they mentioned their father owned an air jet, I had to slow them down.

“You can’t start learning on something like that.”

It went like that for hours. Somewhere along the way, they’d brought food their housekeeper Marley had made. They were curious like sixteen-year-old boys were. They even asked me questions about girls.

By the time I sent them inside so they wouldn’t be missed, I was dead on my feet. I didn’t plan to stay too long. I enjoyed a shower and a good night’s sleep in a bed fit for a king. I woke up hard as a rock, Jolie still playing in my head.

“Today is a new day,” I said to no one.