Page 25 of Damaged King

He parked and I followed him in.

Grant didn’t waste time taking the few steps to the desk, where a tall, bedraggled, gray-haired man stood like a stiff breeze would blow him away.

“I called,” Grant announced.

“Eh, eh, eh,” the man said almost slurring.

“Is the room available?”

The man finally looked up as if noticing us for the first time.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

He turned around and took the remaining key off the hook.

“I don’t normally rent it, but considering…” He trailed off like he forgot what he was saying.

“Does it have two beds?” I asked, gaining his attention.

He stood there long enough for me to wonder if he heard me.

“Yes, yes, yes.” He turned a book around. “Could you fill this out?”

Grant took the book, trying to hide his annoyance. Funny, how in such a short time I was starting to be able to read his expressions.

The keeper then rattled off a nightly rate number that was surprisingly high for a dump like this.

“Don’t worry,” Grant said, pulling out his wallet and peeling off a few bills.

The brittle man turned out to be surprisingly agile when he snatched the money up like a viper.

“Check-out time is ten.”

Grant grumbled something under his breath I didn’t understand. I followed on his heels as he swiftly left. I hadn’t noticed the temperature until we stepped out into the cold again. I pulled together the down coat I’d slipped on when I got out of the truck.

He ate up the pavement with his long strides. I had to jog after to keep up with him. Which was how I ended up clinging onto his arm before falling flat on my face.

It might have been funny if not for his irritated expression when he glanced down at my arm and then at me as I righted myself. I quickly let go and bit my tongue. No need to start a fight when he was practically my savior several times over.

With no comment, he continued the several feet to reach the last door. Though it was an end unit, it was on the bottom floor and right next to the stairs that led up.

I took measured steps so I didn’t face-plant and followed him inside. The decorations were straight out of the ’70sbased on pictures I’d seen of my grandmother on my mother’s side at her home back then. Cheap wood paneling, matching brown shag carpet, and burnt orange coverlets on the double beds, which didn’t exactly hide the stains.

When he turned to face me, I had to take a step back. I’d unknowingly crept closer to him like he was my safety blanket.

“We can sleep in the car or drive back a few miles.”

I could see it in his eyes that he thought me the prima donna that would jump at the opportunity to leave. Though it was a shit place, I doubted he’d get his money back. The thrifty side of me didn’t want him to lose it because I couldn’t endure one uncomfortable night. There were people in the world who lived in worse conditions.

“It’s fine.”

His nod was brisk. “Wait here. I’ll get the bags.”

After he left, I took a chance and peeked into the bathroom, which was located at the back of the room. The light flickered on and I swore I heard things scurry away from the light, but I didn’t see anything. Risking it, I took a step into the small space and peeked behind a dingy plastic curtain and saw the tub was reasonably clean. When I heard the door open, I moved back into the main room.

Grant set my bag on the first bed and his on the second. I didn’t know if it was an unconscious move or deliberate, but I didn’t complain.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I announced.