Page 58 of The Cowboy Hitch

Otis, shaking himself out of his silent stupor, pipes in, “The woman’s got a point. Plus, your mother already promised us money if we got Lacy out of here.”

“Sure, sure.” I hold my hands out like a savior bestowing a great gift. “But I’m offering something better. I’m offering you money right now if you promise to leave Lacy and the baby alone. And you can name your price.”

Their heads bow together, and they whisper frantically to one another, throwing saucer-eyed glances my way throughout their flurried exchange.

Otis is the first to break from their huddle, shooing Arlene away like a fly. “Any price?”

“Any price,” I confirm, holding back the urge to punch him. “But only if you’re promising to stay the fuck away.”

The blackened smile of victory that stretches his thin lips brings my earlier nausea rushing back. “Deal.”

“Yeah, deal,” Arlene hollers, bouncing on her toes.

Bile crawls up my throat.

This was too easy. Way too fucking easy. And it makes me sick.

But why?

Money’s always been the answer—the key to solving any problem—and I’ve never thought twice about it. In fact, part of me eats up the ability to get what I want with nothing more than the wave of a few thousand dollars. The power it gives me. The control I have with it. Not much in this world can top it.

Except maybe the feeling I get when I’m with Lacy.

And that, right there, is the fucking problem.

Because I’d do anything for her. Pay any amount of money to keep her and our baby safe. Even if it’s the one thing she asked me not to do.



“Uh, honey.” Lynette sweeps through the doorway and stops just past the threshold to Oz’s office. “I hate to be the one to tell you, but you got trouble.”

Her hand perches on her cocked hip, and she arches a brow as if I’m supposed to understand. She didn’t say “we” have trouble, but ratherme, and without fully grasping the meaning, my stomach flip-flops and breaths shorten.

“Trouble?” I push the chair away from the desk and stand.

The quick movement causes a rush of blood to my head, and my vision swims, black dots dancing before me. I sway and reach back for the wall.

She races to my side and grabs my arm. “Easy, there, Lacy. You all right?”

“Yeah.” Straightening, I blow a stray lock of hair out of my face and stare at her. “I got up too fast. That’s all. You said trouble? What do you mean?”

“Two words.” Absentmindedly, she rubs my bicep in what’s meant to be a calming gesture, but it only sets me more on edge. “Otis. Arlene.”

“Fuck.” I slam my fist against the wall. “They’re here?”

I’d held my breath through the holidays, expecting my mother and maybe even Otis to come around, but neither Travis nor I heard from them. While it made for a nice Christmas, it was too good to be true.

It’s been over two months since Arlene first visited me here, and now Otis is here too. This visit was inevitable and can only mean one thing. They’re back to work me some more about leaving town, and while I’m pretty good at figuring out their motives, this one still eludes me.

“Yup. Arlene’s pounding them back at the bar and Otis is throwing cash at the girls.”


Arlene drinking isn’t a surprise, but Otis has cash and he’s parting with it? What the hell?

All my life, I’ve watched my parents handle money like water slipping through their fingers. And now Otis is giving it away? That doesn’t sound like him at all. He’d sooner part with his wife and kids than give away one red cent for anything other than a fix.