Page 51 of The Cowboy Hitch

“Yes.” I beam and let him lead me out of the bar to his truck as my head swims with thoughts of my brother, Ridge, my parents, and how or if I can control any of what may come.

After we saw the house on Maple Drive less than two weeks ago, Ridge put in an offer. Despite there being a counteroffer—and probably because his name is Kincaide—we got the house.

Reluctantly, I told Travis I was moving in with Ridge, bracing for the worst, but he had nothing to say, which in some ways was worse. Even in his silence, it was plain to see Travis wishes things were different. That we didn’t have to get into bed with the Kincaides.

Well, bro, it’s too late for that. I’m sleeping with one on a regular and, if Ridge has anything to say about it, permanent basis.

In the beginning, when I’d first found out I was pregnant, the regret had been real and overwhelming but now, I can’t say the same. And while it hurts to see my brother wrestling with that reality, I’ve no doubt he’ll put his issues aside for the sake of my child.

And despite my hesitations, Ridge’s excitement about the house and our future is contagious. There’s no denying I love the house. What’s not to love? It’s better than anything I’d ever hoped to live in. Too much even, and that’s what scares me the most.

Forget the possibility of our union eventually imploding, we could have bigger problems. Otis and Arlene are already up to something. What happens when they see the house? See me living with Ridge Kincaide? They’ll be on us, demanding money all the time. I’ve got to deal with them fast.

Ridge’s voice tugs me back to the moment. “Sonny called earlier today. The inspection went well. No issues with the house, and the seller has agreed to our closing date. The place will be ours before New Year’s.”

“Really?” I gape at him, head spinning with how fast all of this is happening, though I shouldn’t be surprised. “I don’t even know what to say.”

The truck stops in front of a park only a street away from our soon-to-be new home.

He turns to face me. “Are you happy?”

His question throws me for a loop. Am I happy? Strangely, until this moment, I haven’t given it any thought.

From a young age, I learned not to hope for things that most people take for granted. And happiness? Well, that wasn’t ever important. Only the necessities of survival mattered.

“Lace?” He cocks his head to one side and squeezes my knee. “Answer me. Please.”

“Uh, yeah, I am.” With each word, my smile grows, throwing me more and more off-kilter. “I am happy.” Glad to be seated, I laugh, realizing otherwise I might be on my ass.

“Good.” He shuts off the engine and before I can say a word, he’s out of the truck and opening my door.

“Why are we at a park?” Taking me by the hand, he leads me toward an area where the grass is now covered in a white blanket of snow. “I thought you were taking me for dinner?”

“We can eat now if you want. Uh…” He pauses and awkwardly scratches at the back of his neck.

When he looks at me again, he’s blushing, and I nearly trip over my feet at the shocking sight. What is up with him?

“Ridge, are you okay?”

“Yeah. I thought this was a good idea and now it feels…” He scans the near empty playground, then a small frozen patch of what I’m guessing is meant to be an ice rink, where a young boy is sliding. “This is stupid and I should’ve—”

I grab his glove-covered hand and tighten my grip. “Hey, I’m sure this isn’t stupid, but can you explain it to me?”

He threads his fingers through his dark hair, and his eyes lock with mine. “I wanted to take you on a date. When you mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, I was pissed that I hadn’t thought of it, and then I wanted it to be right…perfect.”

A slow smile skates across my lips and I nod encouragingly, wanting him to know that I’m with him and want to hear more.

“I know it’s just a park and it’s cold out here, but soon enough, this will be our life, and that’s why I chose it. I wanted us to check the playground out together before the baby comes.”

My heart warms and a huge smile overtakes my face. Never have I seen Ridge look so young, even boyish, and somewhat unsure, but oh, so sincere.

“It’s a great idea. Kind of like we get to be a kid one more time before our child arrives.” My hand goes to where the buttons on my coat are pulling around my stomach, and his gaze dips with my motion.

“Yes. Now you said you’re hungry. Let’s eat first and then we can play.” He leads me to a small wooden structure, no bigger than a shack, and I’m surprised I didn’t notice it before.

Once inside, I’m hit with warmth and the sweet smell of wood and spice.

“What is this?” A small bistro table for two sits in the center of the tiny shack, with a window on one wall, looking out at the park.