"Are you sure about this, Gavriel?" Byron asked.

Her mate nodded and sat back. "The shifter was tired of fighting. He knew his mate had died giving birth to their son and to him it would dishonor her if he were to die before making sure the baby would be okay. Once healed he thanked every vampire who treated him and began walking. The Dark Prince knew that the shifter would never make it to Lycaonia on his own so he traveled with him. Many times the Dark Prince saved the shifter's life on the long journey back to the shifter city. When they arrived, the shifter didn't stop to rest, to eat or drink. He went directly up to the nursery to meet his son. When he asked the nurse if his mate had named the baby she shook her head and said that his mate had requested that he name their son upon returning home. The shifter held his son close, the tiny child was the last link he had to his mate. He looked up to the Dark Prince and asked him what he should call his son. The Dark Prince was honored to be asked such a question and answered with the name of the godson he had lost centuries earlier, 'Mikhail'. Once father and son were settled the Dark Prince left promising that he would look after Mikhail and his descendants."

Aiden chuckled. "Mikhail was my great- great grandfather's name," he said before shoveling a small quiche into his mouth. Meryn elbowed him.

He looked down at her. "What? They can't be the same. Can they?" He looked around.

Byron was nodding. "Dear Gods, this needs to be added to our family journal," he whispered.

"Let me get this straight, the Dark Prince from vampire legend saved my great-great-great grandfather's life, named my great-great grandfather and promised to look after his descendants? Come on! It's not like there's a five thousand year old vampire sulking around helping to defend this family." Aiden protested then stopped as all blood drained from his face. He turned to look at Gavriel.

Her mate smiled and wiggled his fingers at him. Aiden collapsed into the dining room chair next to his father.

"Holy shit," Jaxon and Adair whispered at the same time.

"It's why you volunteered to become a unit warrior isn't it? I never could figure out why someone as strong as you would take orders from me." Aiden stared down at the table.

Adelaide walked over and pulled Gavriel in for a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for watching after my son."

"He hasn't been so bad," Gavriel teased.

Darian cleared his throat. "I thought you didn't want anyone to know."

Gavriel shrugged. "This isn't everyone, it's family. Besides, I have a feeling the ferals knew who I was, and that's why I was targeted. It may only be a matter of time before my age comes out."

"They don't stand a chance, not with you on our side," Keelan said smiling at Gavriel.

Her mate shrugged modestly, grinning.

Elizabeth felt her heart swell. Her mate had lived for thousands of years and had shaped the very fabric of their history. He had been fighting for so long and for the most part doing it alone. There was one thing she could give him that she knew he desired. The one thing that should anything happened to her, could possibly save his soul.

"I want to have a baby!" she announced.

Unfortunately she hadn't counted on her mate taking a huge gulp of wine at that moment. Sputtering and gasping for air, he turned to her.

"Do you mean that? Truly?" The joy on his face made her wish she could get pregnant that night!

"Yes, when the time comes, I want to have a baby!" she promised.

He pulled her into his lap and held her close. "Thank you," he whispered against her neck.

"We have all winter to practice making a baby," she said and winked when he pulled back to look at her.

"Another baby! Oh, I can't wait! I need to start on their blankets now!" Adelaide clapped her hands together excitedly.

"You're going to have a Jackalope!" Meryn said and collapsed against her mate giggling.

Elizabeth felt her jaw drop. "My baby will not be a Jackalope! Meryn, you take that back!"

Darian frowned. "Isn't a Jackalope a bunny with antlers?"

Elizabeth shot him a look of death. He held up his hands defensively.

"A bunny with killer saber tooth fangs! Awesome!" Meryn said, smiling.

Elizabeth thought about it for a second, that didn't sound too bad. "That's actually kind of interesting," she admitted. She turned to Gavriel. "If anything happens to me you'll need to stick around to make sure our little vampiric bunny grows up big and strong."

Gavriel rested his head on her shoulder. Around them the festivities continued as Adelaide got the men to help Ryuu and Marius carry the food to the table.

"You're always thinking of me, of ways to save me. I'm supposed to look after you." He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"It's my job to take care of you, no matter what," she said stubbornly.

"My Bunny. My Protector."

"And don't you forget it," she said pulling him down for a kiss.

He broke off their kiss and looked at her with heat in his eyes. "We'll start practicing tonight," he whispered.

"Sneaky vampire."


Colton sat up in his childhood bed at his parent's house and fought back the bile trying to climb up the back of his throat. He had dreamt of his mate again. Her face had been contorted in pain and worry. The smell of sickness and death surrounded her.