Shaking her head she dug through the contents and found her normal beauty routine products. By the time her makeup was done her hair was dry enough to get dressed. She removed the towel and pulled on her comfy outfit. Slouch socks and fur-lined boots completed her lazy day ensemble.

She left the closet and was about to walk to the library when she heard a 'thunk' sound. She stopped and looked around. The library door opened and Gavriel walked out with a frown on his face. He had heard it, too. She was about to ask him what the noise was when she heard it again.


Gavriel walked to the door of their suite and opened it. He jumped back with a curse when a small toy car raced inside and skidded to a halt in front of her. She stared down and one name came to mind.

"Meryn," she said grinning.

The small car raced around her feet. "Hurry up, I'm bored!" Meryn's voice sounded funny coming from the speakers of the small car.

"Coming, dear."

The tiny car turned and bolted out the door.

Gavriel was rubbing the space between his brows. "How did she do that?" he asked.

"There's a camera and microphone on the car. The wheels are large enough and are designed to be all terrain. I imagine it took a while to get up the stairs. Going down however..."

In the distance they heard a small crash, then laughter.


Gavriel was shaking his head, but she caught his small grin. She knew he absolutely adored the petite human and she could see why. He had probably never experienced anything like her in all his years. That had to be refreshing to someone like him.

"Let's go downstairs. There's no telling what she'll do if I take too long." She walked up and hugged his arm.

They walked downstairs and found that the unit warriors, Meryn, Ryuu and Meryn's trainees were in the family room. The glass table she had crashed into had been replaced with a small wooden one and no sign of the previous evening lingered.

"About time! Where have you been all day?" Meryn demanded.

"I was catching up on my sleep." Elizabeth winked.

"Oh." Meryn blinked. "Yeah, some days all I want to do is sleep. All the sex wears me out," she confessed.

Noah stared and Jaxon just shook his head. Looked like one of them was already acclimating to their teacher.

"Meryn, come here baby before you scandalize the room," Aiden said, patting the space next to him.

"Sure, but I wanted to show Bunny that Ryuu was able to get all the blood out of the floor," she said walking over to where Elizabeth had lain the night before.

The room got silent. Aiden covered his face with his hands, Colton groaned and Darian and Keelan stared, waiting for her to breakdown.

She walked over to where Meryn pointed. She looked down and was surprised. Ryuu had done an amazing job; there wasn't a single speck of blood anywhere.

"He's a miracle worker," she said.

Meryn nodded. "Yeah considering you were bleeding all over the place."

"Meryn!" Aiden barked.

Elizabeth looked down and saw the way Meryn's fist was clenched at her side. Her words were flippant and jovial but they hid a deeper emotion. She remembered very little about the night before, but she remembered the way Meryn had cried and the fear in her eyes.

She reached down and took Meryn's hand in her own. Meryn looked up and for a split second the fear was there again. Elizabeth could handle Cranky Meryn, Angry Meryn, Spazzing Meryn, even Crazy Meryn but she could not stand the fear in her friend's eyes.

Smiling, Elizabeth bumped hips with the small human. Meryn grinned, the anxiety leaving her face. Smiling, she bumped her back. Elizabeth bopped her again this time toppling her over onto the love seat. Meryn sat up and chucked a pillow at her. Elizabeth ducked and sat next to her.

Aiden looked from her to Meryn and back. From the look on his face Elizabeth could tell he didn't understand how they could be laughing, but that was okay. This was between sisters.

Aiden shook his head and mumbled. "I don't get her sometimes."

Gavriel sat down in the wingback chair next to them and picked up a copy of the Lycaonian Herald, the city's newspaper. "We're not meant to. Only get concerned if they aren't smiling," he advised.

Aiden brightened. "Sounds good to me."

Meryn looked at Elizabeth and rolled her eyes. "Men!"

Elizabeth had to agree. She looked over to Aiden. "Aiden, did you have a chance to look over the templates I created for you?"

He nodded, then frowned. "I think I'm missing something though. It's too easy."

"It's supposed to be easy. If you follow that format and turn it into me, I can input the forms into the database. After a few years learning about your computer, and when you can open a browser window, I might show you how to input the information directly into the database. But for right now, just fill out the printed forms."

Aiden looked relieved. "I prefer the printed forms, you can keep your databases."

Ryuu walked in and bowed. "Ladies, gentlemen, dinner is ready."

Everyone stood and started toward the dining room when Aiden's cell phone rang. Everyone froze.

He answered. "McKenzie here."

Elizabeth clearly heard Aiden's father over the phone. "Son, over a dozen ferals have been spotted north of the city."

"We're on it."

"Be careful," Byron commanded.

"Yes, sir." Aiden ended the call.