Gavriel steered her towards the door that used to lead to his study. He opened it and she gasped. He had unpacked and hung up all of her clothes. Granted he hadn't organized it correctly at all since summer tanks were hanging next to winter sweaters, but everything was out and hanging up. The only thing she had to do was the fun part, organize it.

She spun around and threw herself in his arms. "Thank you! Thank you! I love it! When did you have time to do this?"

"My stomach was in knots last night after you fell asleep. I opened the truck and worked on it for a while then went back to the clinic to sleep with you. Then this morning, after I dropped Colton off, I was able to finish. I wanted to do something to make up for yesterday."

"You did nothing wrong my love. Oh, it's beautiful!" She kissed him gently and then hurried inside. On the far wall of the closet they had installed a three hundred and sixty degree mirror. She could see her outfit from every angle! The shelves and rails were handcrafted wood that went beyond function to border on art.

She even noticed that small rune spells had been carved into the wood to maintain a certain level of humidity, temperature, to prevent fire, and to repel bugs. The Celtic knots gave the entire closet a regal feel. Not even her closet at home had been so beautiful.

She walked slowly running her hand along the different fabrics. Beyond the clothes and shoe racks they'd built a vanity against the wall. The large beveled mirror stood opposite the wall where they had installed a faux window that shone brightly, giving her natural daylight. She could sit here and get ready in the warm rays of the sun.

"I'm never leaving this closet. Ever!" She twirled around exuberant.

Gavriel wrapped one arm around her waist and turned them. He held her in his arms and swayed back and forth. "I have found something that makes you fly. Your father was right, you shine." His nose nuzzled her temple.

"I've always used my clothes as a shield. If I presented the image that I was a polished, refined woman, people assumed that my tripping over my feet was due to a bunched up rug or a highly polished floor. It's my way of defending myself," she explained.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Why? Do you know of a way to keep me from tripping?" she asked pulling back to look up at him.

His eyes blazed with the intensity of his feelings. He shook his head. "No, but from now on it won't matter what you are wearing when you trip. Your clothes won't defend you. I will," he promised.

"I love you so much," she whispered.

He pulled her close. "And I love you."

After a few moments of silence he cleared his throat. "Love? Can I ask a favor?"

Smiling she looked up and nodded. "Yes, we can have sex in front of the mirror," she answered.

His eyes widened. He opened his mouth then closed it. He turned and looked at the mirror then looked back to her. The expression on his face went from shock to arousal in two seconds flat.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask, but I will hold you to that. What I was going to ask was if I could see your belly."

Shrugging she nodded and lifted her shirt. Adam had lent her a boring pair of scrubs that she couldn't wait to change out of.

Gavriel dropped to his knees and proceeded to kiss along the faint pink line. "Did Adam say anything about if... can we still..."

She ran her hands over his hair. "Yes, we can still have children. There was no lasting damage."

His arms circled her legs and he rested his cheek against her stomach. "Thank the Gods!"

"Already planning an Elizabeth 2.0?" she teased.

He looked up, grinning. In that moment the years dropped away, his excitement at the prospect of becoming a father made him seem younger. "At least four or five of them. We need to rebuild House Ambrosios."

"Five! No way."

He pouted and the expression was so out of place on his normally stoic and regal features that it only compounded its effectiveness. How could she say no to that? He was freaking adorable!

"Fine! Whatever. But you have to do diapers." She threw her hands up in defeat.

He kissed her belly one more time and stood. "Deal."

"Okay, scoot. I need to get a shower and change. These things should be burned, I don't see how anyone can wear them." With her finger and thumb she lifted the fabric from her body shuddering.

"I'll be reading in my library. Come get me before you go downstairs." He kissed her lips.

"I will," she promised.

He walked out of the closet and shut the door behind him.

Smiling to herself she looked around for a few more minutes. She loved peeking in the drawers and discovering new places to hang things. Finally she picked out a comfortable outfit of jeans and a sweatshirt. If they were going to be lazing about the house she wanted to be in comfy clothes.

With regret she left her closet and walked to the bathroom for her shower. The hot water felt wanton. They cleaned her up the best they could at the clinic, but she still had some blood on her skin. She got out and dried off quickly. She towel dried her hair, braided it and then wrapped a hand towel around the braid, securing it with a hair tie. The hand towel would soak up any residual water and it would stay off her clothes.

Wrapped in a towel she padded back into her closet. The smell of cut wood made her smile. She sat down at her vanity and pulled out the center drawer it was empty. Frowning she checked the left drawer, nothing. When she opened the right drawer she had to laugh. Gavriel had simply dumped anything that looked like it was makeup in one drawer.