"Denka, I take it from the laughter that you are feeling better?" Ryuu asked from the doorway.

Meryn stood on her knees to look over the desk but barely cleared it. This made Elizabeth start laughing again. Meryn glared down at her. Elizabeth stuck out her tongue and wiped her eyes. Meryn stood facing her squire.

"Yeah, I'm good. I forgot for a second that I completely kick ass."

Ryuu raised a brow then smiled. "That you do. I was afraid for a moment I was going to have to do something painful to your mate, but since you are laughing and not crying, he is spared."

"Ryyuuu! You can't just knock my mate around like a kid with a toy. He's the Unit Commander for crying out loud." Meryn waved her arms about wildly.

Ryuu just stared at her. "Denka that title means very little to me. Your health and well-being are my only concerns. If his ineptitude leads to another instance where you are almost barbecued then he and I will definitely have words." Ryuu crossed his arms over his chest.

Meryn turned to her. "I can't do anything with him!" she said pointing to Ryuu.

Elizabeth stood and dusted off her jeans. "That is how squires are Meryn. My uncle's squire has yet to address my uncle with any degree of respect. Sebastian sees my uncle as his charge and nothing more. In a way, I think my uncle needs that. He can always rely on Sebastian to keep him humble."

Ryuu's expression didn't change. "I wouldn't damage him ... permanently." He shrugged.

Meryn smacked her forehead in exasperation. "I give up! And ... I'm hungry." Her concern for her mate forgotten, she looked at Ryuu with puppy dog eyes.

He gave a faint smile and bowed. "I have prepared a snack from the pastries you ladies purchased in the city earlier this afternoon, along with your favorite Earl Grey tea."

"You love me!" Meryn turned to her. "You coming?"

Elizabeth nodded. "For pastries and tea? Of course I'm coming, be there in a moment. I need to ask Ryuu about ordering a certain tea for me, especially considering I'm going to be living here."

Meryn shrugged and walked into the hallway; she paused for a second before turning back to her. "I'm really glad you're here, Bunny," Meryn confessed.

Elizabeth was too touched to rip her cute little face off for calling her 'Bunny' . "Me too, sweetie."

Meryn smiled and walked away.

Ryuu looked out the door and held up a finger. After a few seconds be lowered his hand and turned to her. "I take it this isn't about tea?"

"I wouldn't mind if you ordered some Fortnum and Mason's English Breakfast tea. I got addicted to the stuff when we visited London. But no, what I was going to ask you is ... have you made sure all the spells have been disarmed? I'm not too proud to admit that this afternoon's fireball scared the hell out of me." She shuddered.

Ryuu scowled. "Don't remind me of that incident. Most are actually still operative, they will only activate if someone tries to open a window and enter from the outside. We can activate the front and back doors whenever we wish with the small, brass charms hanging on the walls by the doors. I have been working with Keelan on what we would need for a permanent perimeter. It's difficult because you can't, for example, ban all shifters. We would need to be very specific, but in doing so, may leave loopholes."

"As long as there's no possibility that either I or my mate will be burnt alive, I'm satisfied. Did you eavesdrop on our conversation?" she asked.

He nodded. "Naturally."

"Can you make sure Aiden understands why she got so upset? I don't think Meryn will say anything, but I think, unless Aiden knows why this impacted her so much he will inadvertently walk into this blunder again, and it won't be his fault."

Ryuu sighed. "I suppose you're right."

Elizabeth patted him on the arm. "All in a day's work. I hope Meryn hasn't eaten all of the apple fritters. She was right, they are delicious." She walked into the hallway towards the family room to wrestle Meryn for some pastries.


"She was crying." Aiden stared down at the jewelry box in his hands and shook his head.

Gavriel knew hurting Meryn enough to make her cry had devastated his commander. He looked from his friend back to the road. "These are the type of things every new couple has to face. All you can do is fall on your sword, beg forgiveness and then do your damnedest to never hurt her again."

"I knew she had a shitty childhood, but she always made light of it. What was I thinking to ignore her like that?" Aiden beat the small blue gift-wrapped box against his forehead.

"When we get back, grovel and beg forgiveness ..." Aiden groaned. Gavriel continued. "And then sit her down and get her to talk about the things that she's insecure about. Let her know you're not a mind reader and that you're not going anywhere."

Aiden turned to him. "You've seen her more than I have this past month, why would she think that I would leave?"

Inwardly Gavriel sighed. All he wanted was to curl up with his mate and learn more about her. When he looked over and saw the absolute confusion on Aiden's face he knew he had to break it down for him, he owed Meryn that much at the very least.

"Aiden, she lost both of her parents when she was very small. That alone could cause abandonment issues, but when you factor in a grandmother who ignored her existence, I bet she has been waiting for us to tell her to leave or for us to start ignoring her altogether. You really couldn't have screwed up in a worse way."