night, to prove it here is

a bloodstained piece of her

dress. I am the same man

who did in the people in the

rest of the UK.

I want you to print this cipher

on the front page of your

paper. In this cipher is my


If you do not print this cipher

by the afternoon of Fry. 5th of

Feb, I will go on a kill ram-

Page Fry. Night I will cruise

around all weekend killing lone

people in the night then move

on to kill again, until I end

up with a dozen people over

the weekend.

At the bottom of the page is a circle with a cross through it: the mark of the Zodiac Killer.

“What does Shenton say?” Deakin asks. The editor had already sent over a scanned copy of the message, giving their DC a head start on the analysis.

“He’s confirmed the wording is almost precisely the same as notes from the Zodiac back in 1969,” Cara replies. “Two merged together, just the details relevant to our case changed.”

“And the …” The newspaper editor pauses. “The code?”

Attached to the note is another piece of paper. Across it are a number of symbols and letters. A cipher in the same style as the Zodiac Killer.

“That’s different,” Cara confirmed.

“So it could be a new code? Containing the identity of our guy?”


They all fall silent again. Cara picks up the envelope. There are double the number of stamps needed for normal postage, all stuck on sideways. The postmark is the day before Libby’s murder.

“So we’ll be publishing this tomorrow,” the editor says.

Cara sighs. She knows better than to hope they’d keep it quiet. It was too much of a scoop. “Can you just hold on to it for a day or two? You can still have the exclusive,” she adds quickly. “But please give us a chance to solve it and catch the guy. You publish the identity of the killer, and there’s a chance he’ll go to ground.”

The editor frowns. “You’ve got four days.” He points to the note. “I don’t want it on my conscience if we don’t publish this by Friday and he goes on this rampage he’s talking about. And I want confirmation on who this dress belongs to.”