decapitate dismember deflesh ?rubbish Place in acid to liquify—what acid? Muriatic

smash bones with sledgehammer, scatter in woods

Three-eighth-inch drill one-sixteenth-inch drill bit claw hammer handsaw

Fish food African cichlid tiger barbs trigger fish

Bicep—fry in skillet, tenderize, sprinkle with sauce

Boil skull—Soilex and bleach—BUT too brittle to keep? Dilute bleach

Strip flesh, cut off genitals, smash bones. Use acetone—soak

Head—cut off scalp, peel flesh off bone, keep skull and scalp

Dissect legs from pelvis at joints, boil in water and Soilex—1 hour. Pour off, rinse in sink, removing remaining flesh. Place bones in acid 2 weeks pour black slush down toilet OR oven skull? No—explodes.

separate the joints, the arm joints, the leg joints, two boilings.

Four boxes Soilex, each one boil 2 hours Turns flesh to jelly like substance just washes off

clean bones in light bleach, leave for day spread out on newspaper and let dry

spray-paint skull coat with enamel

keep entire skin? Small sharp paring knife, incision at back of neck, slice up to crown, then pull down skin (like chicken?) Outer layer peels back from muscle with care. Pulls right off skull, might have to cut round nose, lips, mouth (2 hours) Preserve in cold water and salt?

lift torso to drain blood. Slice liver smaller pieces, cut off flesh in leg or arm area work down

head in saucepan of water eyeballs boil away flesh takes longer dessert spoon to scoop out brain

but …?smell Febreze Incense sticks



JESS WAKES TO the smell of food. She can hear a radio, someone moving around downstairs. She’s comfortably warm under the duvet.

She thinks back. She remembers Griffin leaving the apartment. And then a sudden blank. She’d woken on the floor of Griffin’s bathroom, vision blurry, another wave of dizziness making her wobble. She had stood and looked in the mirror. Someone she hadn’t recognized had stared back, eyes red-rimmed, face gray and drawn. Her hand had gone up to the bump on the back of her head, the bit of shaved hair where she was stitched back up. She’d known then who she had to call.


She contacted him on Messenger, logging on to Griffin’s laptop with the password she’d seen him use that morning. Nav’s reply was curt and immediate:

Jess! Where are you? The police are looking for you. You took my car!

She replied, I know. I’m sorry. How is Alice?

She watched the three gray dots rotate at the bottom.

Much better. She’ll be out in a few days, I think. Your mom and dad are with her. They’re going crazy with worry.

Knowing Alice was okay was a massive relief. She kept typing: I need your help.

She held her breath.

Your head.