Page 172 of European Escapes

“It sounds like you don’t get a lot of sleep.”

She shifted Joe in her arms. “Babies wake up a lot at night. And then of course, there’s my need to check on him.”

“You should have had more help with him.”

Jillian knew what he was really saying—that if she’d come to him, she would have had help, she wouldn’t have had to struggle on her own.

“It will be easier for you to sleep when Joseph is in his own crib, in his own room,” he added. “And he does have his own room at my house. There’s space for Maria to sleep in the nursery should we need her to—”

“I like having Joe close at night,” she interrupted. “I can’t imagine not having him there.”

“And I can’t imagine making love to my wife if my son is present.” His voice was firm, decisive. “Joseph will be fine in his own room. Trust me.”

“So you’ve had a baby before?” she flashed, angered that he’d again start making decisions not just for Joe, but for her.

“No. But I can read a how-to-raise-a-baby book just as well as you, and I do have all those nieces and nephews.”

She bit her lip to keep from replying sharply, and still struggling with her temper, turned her head to look out the window. It was a gorgeous clear morning. The sun was still rising and the sky stretched overhead, a lucid, cloudless blue. “You said I looked tired,” she said. “Should I put some makeup on?”

“That’s not necessary. You look fine. Just be yourself.”

Ah, there was the dilemma. After falling into Vittorio’s arms after so many months of running from him and fearing him, Jillian didn’t even know who she was anymore. “As if it were that easy.”

“It’s not?”

Her lips twisted wryly. “No.”

“Why not?”

She wanted to tell him she’d lived too many different lives in too many places. She wanted to share that more than once she’d sat frozen in a classroom or the cafeteria, terrified to open her mouth in the event she said the wrong thing. In the event she’d forgotten her part.

Lee. Carol. Anne. Jillian.

“Why isn’t it?” Vitt asked, repeating his question.

She turned toward him, seeing his black tailored trousers, the white shirt, the expensive black blazer. But then everything about him oozed money, success. “You’ve always lived in one place, and been raised around the same people. You’ve never had to be anyone but Vittorio d’Severano. It was different for me.”

“You moved a lot when you were growing up?”


“Your father was in the military?”

She nearly laughed. Her father in the service? Her father an honorable man? “No.”

“What did he do?”

Lied. Cheated. Backstabbed. But she couldn’t say that. “Business. Sales. Things like that.”

The jet had stopped taxiing to park at a small executive terminal.

“You never wanted to work with him?” Vitt asked, ignoring his flight crew as they prepared the aircraft for deplaning.

“No.” She felt Joe wiggle on her lap, his small body warm and compact against hers and she glanced down at him, thinking there was so much she wanted for him, so much she wanted to give him if only she had the chance.

“What about you?” she asked Vitt as he unbuckled his seat belt and got to his feet. “Did your father expect you to go to work for him?”

Vitt towered above her, his expression somber. For a long moment he was silent before he gave his head a brief shake. “No. In fact, the opposite was true. He begged me to go somewhere else, do something different, but I wouldn’t.”