Page 25 of Finding His Home

“No, Sam, let me finish. I promise to make it worthwhile for your headline writers. In my final hours on this Earth, I renounce this façade. I announce a new messiah will return from the grave and bring an end to this world as we know it. He will prove that each of you is an immortal god.”

Ed still doubted talk of him being this new messiah, but part of him chaffed because the senator had not yet announced his name.

“On the Day of Judgment, we will put the Creator on trial for his lies,” Senator Walker said. “Join me and trust in the uncreated divine spark inside you.”

A female voice shrieked as the senator pulled a pistol from his desk drawer. Ed wondered why no one moved. The senator fired the weapon into his mouth before police rushed into the room and lifted the gun from the floor. After the TV monitor cut to black, the nurse handed Ed a manila folder, containing confirmation of a one-way plane ticket to Louisiana, rental car and hotel suite reservation. “Get up and get moving.”

Chapter 15: World Will Learn

Weeks later, Ed entered the crowded dining room of a Tex-Mex restaurant and saw Stephen at a corner table. While the two brothers shook hands, Ed recognized several families who attended Stephen’s church.

“Thanks for meeting me. I’m glad you didn’t drag mom and dad here. I’m not ready, yet.”

“No. You aren’t.”

A round-faced bus boy poured two glasses of water and placed them on the table. A waitress, who looked younger than 18, leaned over the table with her notepad. “May I get you something to drink?”

Ed ordered four shots of whiskey.

“No, we’re both going to drink iced tea,” Stephen said to the waitress.

Ed flashed his I.D. “I’m of age. Bring me the shots, and ignore him.”

The waitress left, and a bus boy arrived with tortilla chips and salsa. Ed looked across the dining room and made eye contact with Mrs. Thibodeaux, who sang in the church choir. He smiled and nodded, but she did not smile back.

He began to scrape his fork on the tablecloth and spoke with his mouth full of chips to irritate Stephen. “I guess you think you came to save my soul.”

“Brother, I’m only here to listen and give you love.” Stephen waved at Matt, the restaurant manager, poking his head out the kitchen.

Ed pulled the flash drive out and set it on the table. “I’d like to go over a few things with you as well.”

Matt arrived with four shots of whiskey. He shook Stephen’s hand and gave him a look of concern. “How’s it going, Father?”

Before Stephen could reply, Ed downed two shots and breathed hard with a burning throat. Stephen pushed the remained shots to Matt. “I asked her not to bring these. Please take them.”

Ed leaned forward and flashed a big toothy smile as the manager departed. “I invited you here to ask you a question and tell you a story. The ending of the story depends on your answer to the question.”

“No more games.” Stephen said.

“Remember, after April’s death, when I asked you a question about the witch hunt manual, Malleus Maleficarum? I asked you if your infallible pope had the guidance of the Holy Spirit when he authorized its publication and threatened the wrath of God against anyone who might oppose the witch hunt. You ignored my question.”

“I don’t remember.”

“Many of those poor widows, vagrants and foreigners were tried for witchcraft with no clue of who accused them of the crime in the first place.”

“You’re right. It was an age of ignorance and paranoia.”

“But that doesn’t answer the question: Why won’t God step in to protect innocent people? Senator Walker had the courage to suggest God owes us an explanation. I agree.”

Stephen lowered his voice. “God’s not a seal in a circus. He doesn’t perform on cue just because we demand it. And, He doesn’t owe us anything.”

“I’m not talking about asking God for a new sports car or begging Him to bring April back to life as a test of his power. I’m asking about justice. Don’t avoid my question.”

Stephen looked at the floor. “I often wrestle with doubts myself. Our Lord came to teach us how to ease suffering in the world and how to offer our own suffering as a prayer for grace and forgiveness. He gave us a concrete example of how we should love. Pray to Him with a sincere heart, and He’ll increase your awareness of His love.”

Ed heard demonic high-pitched laughter. He took a sip of water and thought it looked like dirty river sludge, but it returned to normal when he examined it under the light.

The waitress returned. “Would you like a few more minutes to decide?”