Hope lifts her head. “We will. You three can join if you want?”

I choke on my wine, and Hope laughs. “Prude. I bet you’re still a virgin.”

“I’m not,” I tightly reply. “I can think of a word for you, though. It begins with a B.”

Lysander growls, picking Hope up and taking her with him up the stairs after she clearly tries to climb off him to attack me. After a few minutes, her soft moans echo from upstairs, and not long after, the sound of banging furniture.

Arden laughs. “Lysander is always in a hurry with his women. I prefer to take longer before racing to the best part.”

I rub my face. “Are they always this loud?”

“Always,” all three of them say at the same time. I chuckle, taking a deep drink until half the massive glass is gone.

Arden’s eyes widen. “Careful with the wine, princess. That’s dragon wine. Unless you’re brought up here, you’ll get drunk on it pretty quickly.”

“Maybe I want to get drunk. It’s so serious here,” I blurt out. Wow, I feel good. “You dragon kings are mean and serious. It’s like you were born with sticks up your asses along with the crowns.”

I hiccup, and they all laugh, even Grayson. I blink at him in surprise. He has a very sexy laugh. Arden tries to take the glass from me, but I slip off the couch. “She’s drunk.”

Arden pulls me back to the sofa as I quickly down the rest of the wine. He peels the glass from my hands. “The room is spinning. It’s pretty, like you three. Even Lysander is a pretty psychopath.”

They are all laughing. Oh, fuck. Maybe this wine is strong. I pat Grayson’s hand and link our fingers. The laughter stops and Grayson stares at our hands, along with Arden and Emrys, who look ready to fight to save me. The tension in the room is uncomfortable, but I snort out a giggle. “My hand is so tiny in yours. It’s like I’m a little bug.”

“She’s drunk. We should take her back,” Grayson comments, but he doesn’t pull his hand away.

I ignore them. “Shh, moody dragon. Wait a minute, I have the BEST idea.”

“Oh, yeah?” Arden questions, leaning forward. He’s so cute. Cute big dragon king.

I grin at him. “I want to see Grayson’s dragon! I’ve seen Arden’s and Emrys’s. What’s yours like? Is it grey? Is that why you have that name?”

Grayson doesn’t answer me, but he still doesn’t move his hand away either. His hand is so warm. I hiccup again and turn my eyes to Arden. “You’ll tell me, what’s his dragon like? Pleeeease?”

“Big,” Arden answers with a laugh, taking a long drink. “Not as big as mine. I’m definitely the biggest out of all of us.”

“You’d like to think that,” Emrys interrupts. “But it’s not true.”

“I can prove it is,” Arden suggests.

“Are you talking about your dicks or dragons?” I question.

Grayson coughs on his beer, barking out a laugh. “Dicks, brat.”

I giggle, leaning my head on his shoulder. Emrys and Arden look at me in shock. What’s up with that?

The sound of Lysander and Hope having very loud sex above finally stops. I’m pretty sure she was moaning that loud just to piss me off. Sex is never that good. Emrys gives me more wine, while Arden tells him that’s a bad idea. I keep drinking and drinking, hoping to wash away any thoughts of the race, of where I am, or who I’m with. I can just pretend I’m home. I don’t take my hand off Grayson’s, and somehow, he becomes an anchor for me. He doesn’t seem to mind me holding his hand, either. He is mysterious, an asshole, but I don’t think he would hurt me.

“Did you grow up together, then? You seem like friends.”

Emrys leans back in his seat, his unbuttoned shirt revealing the muscles of his chest. Damn. I’m not sure which one of them is hotter, but it would be a close contest in looks alone. It’s a shame they are spoilt, entitled douchebags who kidnapped me. “We did. Well, our summers were spent together travelling the courts. Hope was with us as well. The rest of the time we spent in our own courts, training and learning to be kings. Our childhood was designed to build a bond between us and make us brothers in everything but blood. Then we might have some peace. Our people need it after—”

Emrys stops when Grayson clears his throat. “After what?”

“Nothing,” Emrys quickly answers. “Somehow, these jackasses became my brothers.”

I stand up, putting my hands on my hips. “I want to ride a dragon.” I stumble a little on my feet, and Grayson’s hand comes to my lower back to stop me from falling. I grin at him. “Thank you. Now can I ride you?”

His eyes darken, but he doesn’t answer me. “I mean, I’ve ridden Arden’s dragon for a bit, but I was terrified. So it doesn’t really count, and I want to ride one of yours now. Can we do that?”